Recently during the premiere of She-Hulk, the Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo revealed that he was disappointed as Hulk was kept away from Thor: Love and Thunder. Thor and Hulk’s friendship is one of the most iconic things in MCU. This friendship received more importance in the Taika Waititi directorial Thor: Ragnarok which is also the movie that revived the franchise. Taika Waititi added a unique approach to the movie by introducing his signature style of direction and humor in the movie. It can’t be denied that the comic approach of the movie was also complemented by the dynamics of their friendship and thus took no time in becoming a fan-favorite.
Mark Ruffalo misses Hulk and Thor fighting together
During the premiere of She-Hulk, when Mark Ruffalo was spotted, he was asked about his blockbuster bond with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor and if someday we can spot the characters again together in MCU. To this, Mark Ruffalo replied that he was very disappointed when MCU didn’t consider placing both the characters together in MCU:
“Yeah I was disappointed that I wasn’t in Love and Thunder but uh, but I still love him and we’re gonna make more thunder”
While currently there are no official reports regarding the reunion of Hulk with the God of Thunder so it will be tough to say in which project they can join hands but if everything goes well, we may spot them together again in Avengers: Secret Wars.
Mark Ruffalo was recently seen in the first episode of the Disney+ series She-Hulk: Attorney At Law alongside Tatiana Maslany. The web series centers around his cousin Jennifer Walters and her superheroine life as She-Hulk.
Could Hulk save Thor: Love and Thunder?
By now it is not a secret anymore how Thor: Love and Thunder failed to impress the audience and left a lackluster impression. The fans were utterly shocked and disappointed as they couldn’t believe that the movie would be like that. It was heavily criticized for his overuse of humor and lack of depth in the story.
Now although it can’t be confirmed whether Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk could have made a very big difference in the movie or not but, it is sure we could have gotten something different. Moreover, Thor and Hulk’s dynamics were well established in Ragnarok so his appearance here could have enhanced the story and the character of Thor.
Although there are no confirmed reports, Thor: Love and Thunder is most likely to be available on Disney+ from August 24, 2022
While Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk can be spotted on She-Hulk streaming exclusively on Disney+
Source: Entertainment Tonight
Read More: “The Film Set was a Powder Keg”: Mark Ruffalo Sued Over Filming New HBO Miniseries