Lou Ferrigno who played the titular role in The Incredible Hulk is not a fan of Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk. He said the CGI alter-ego of Bruce Banner lacks one important quality. The actor played the role for all five seasons of the Incredible Hulk show. The character was later created again in 2003 and in the MCU version in 2008 using digital effects. Lou Ferrigno has also made a cameo appearance in each film. Now, the role is played by Mark Ruffalo since the 2012 MCU movie, The Avengers.
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Lou Ferrigno does not like Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk
The former bodybuilder and actor played the role of the iconic alter-ego of Bruce Banner in the 1978 CBS TV series. He talked about the CGI version of the character he previously played in an interview with The Washington Post. He said, “Though I appreciate the amazing visual work these [visual effects] artists are producing, it’s missing the raw human performance qualities that I believe only an actor can play. Especially when it comes to The Hulk.”
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According to the actor, he should have more human components that the CGI version lacks. Only a real person, an actor playing the role can bring that side of the character out. The CGI version of the Hulk is great but it lacks that component and it is much needed in live-action movies, where all other characters are real-life people. Mark Ruffalo will reprise his role as Smart Hulk in the upcoming Diney+ series, She-Hulk.
Marvel released a high-resolution version of She-Hulk
Earlier, the CGI of the series was heavily criticized when the first trailer teaser for the series came out. Now, Disney+ has released a high-resolution trailer of the show. The fixes include more defined features, improved textures, more tonal variety, and improved lighting. The character now has a more defined and real-looking look.
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The fans do not have any complaints about the appearance of The Abomination. He is being played by Tim Roth. The appearance of the character is the same as the one in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law comes out on 17 August 2022.
Source: The Washington Post