Tom Holland, who has been creating a buzz with his crime thriller show The Crowded Room, almost lost the role to a Hollywood legend. Following his breakout role as Spider-Man in MCU, Holland has been turning heads with his prestigious projects. However, the young actor almost lost his career-changing project to none other than Leonardo DiCaprio.
Branching out to find new opportunities in his career, Tom Holland landed his role as Danny Sullivan in The Crowded Room. The real-life-based Apple TV+ thriller was a perfect chance for Holland despite all the emotional struggles and anxiety associated with the project. However, the story almost went to Leonardo DiCaprio in 2015, after being one of James Cameron’s unproduced projects.
Tom Holland’s Groundbreaking Performance In The Crowded Room
After a quick turnaround from MCU and Uncharted, Tom Holland got back to exploring new opportunities following his much-needed break. Coming up with his dream project, the 26-year-old was pitched for the pivotal role in the 10-episode psychological thriller The Crowded Room. With a keen interest and instant liking for the project, Holland signed as the actor and executive producer of the show.
Based on the 1981 novel The Minds of Billy Milligan, which is inspired by a true event, The Crowded Room evidently blows the minds of its audiences. Surrounding the pivotal character Danny Sullivan, played by Tom Holland, the show focuses on Sullivan being arrested after a shooting at the Rockefeller Center in 1979. Investigated by Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried), audiences are torn between the tragic events and Sullivan’s mental state.
Moving his audience with his groundbreaking performance, Tom Holland’s miniseries gives “an insight into the power of the human mind”. Holding the center of his character, Holland mesmerized his audience with his “unbelievably challenging piece” molded with compassion and determination. Leaning into his “vulnerable side” the 26-year-old the piece work as his personal project and delivered the best out of it.
However, despite his outstanding performance, Tom Holland nearly lost his role to the Hollywood legend Leonardo DiCaprio.
Tom Holland Almost Lost His Role To Leonardo DiCaprio
When Tom Holland was cast in The Crowded Room, it wasn’t the first time someone attempted to create a masterpiece out of it. In fact, the infamous director James Cameron once laid his hands on the project. Attempting to tell the story of Billy Milligan, Cameron tried directing a film starring John Cusack. Unfortunately, the film was never created, and it became one of James Cameron’s unproduced projects.
Further, the novel was once again tried out in 2015, and Leonardo DiCaprio was set to play the leading man and even produce the movie. Eyeing the project for two decades, DiCaprio was desperate to play the pivotal character in the crime thriller. Going by the same name, The Crowded Room, the movie bolsters the relationship between DiCaprio and New Regency. Although the project had been a failure in the past, under James Cameron, DiCaprio was positive about it.
But ultimately the story found zero luck in film versions, even under Leonardo DiCaprio and James Cameron. Thus, after remaining dormant for decades, the story finally found its glory under Akiva Goldman, along with Tom Holland and Amanda Seyfried. Producing the story in the form of a limited series structure, Holland paved his way with his real crime thriller.
Watch Tom Holland’s psychological crime thriller The Crowded Room only on Apple TV +.
Source: Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood Reporter