In the latest installment of Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Marvel’s boss Kevin Feige hides a small yet crucial detail in the film’s intro. The detail involves the character He Who Remains from the Loki series appearing in the Marvel intro instead of War Machine.
This is the first time a Marvel villain has been featured in the intro, suggesting that Marvel is trying to convey something else altogether to its audience.
Was This A Full Circle Moment?
What has caught viewers’ attention who have watched the movie is a small yet crucial detail hidden by the MCU’s mastermind, Kevin Feige, in the film’s intro with Jonathan Majors’ He Who Remains. And let us tell you, killing him wasn’t a good idea!
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The YouTuber The Canadian Lad is one such viewer that breaks down what he found in He Who Remains’s appearance in the Marvel intro. In case you’ve been living under a rock, He Who Remains is a character introduced in the hit Disney+ series Loki, played by the incredible Jonathan Majors.
The Marvel figure is a variant of Kang the Conqueror, who has been running the Time Variance Authority for centuries to maintain order in the multiverse. The YouTuber suggests that the VFX team may have put his character there to convey that He Who Remains was, in fact, a good character. He also believes that Marvel is trying to tell the audience that “killing him was not a good idea.”
“Until this film, it only had clips of our superheroes. But I think Marvel is trying to tell us something here. I think He Who Remains was, in fact a good character. Perhaps he was telling the truth that his variants are worse than him and killing him wasn’t a good idea.
Another interesting detail that The Canadian Lad points out is that the film began with a reference to Loki season 1 and ended with a glimpse into Loki season 2. This suggests that Marvel tries to create a full circle by connecting the film to the series.
Kevin Feige and VFX Team Create Magic Together
Much of the film’s success comes from the VFX team’s meticulous work. Scott and Hope gear up with nanotechnology, and Hope’s reflection is visible in the background. The shadow shifts as soon as Hope’s suit appears. The visual effects team carefully simulated a shadow that matched Hope’s outfit.
Marvel did something similar in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and we love that the VFX team continues to pay such attention to detail. The detail that blew our minds is the mural of Kang the Conqueror in the outpost that Janet, Hank, and Hope fly through in the Quantum realm. Janet sees the mural and immediately understands that Kang is ruling this realm.
Kevin Feige once again proves he is a master of storytelling and attention to detail. Fans can only speculate about what this means for the MCU’s future, but it’s clear that Kevin Feige and his team are setting the stage for even greater things to come.
With Kevin Feige at the helm, fans can rest assured that the future of the MCU is in good hands and that even the smallest details can have the biggest impact on the story.
Source: YouTube