The John Wick franchise is known for its intense action scenes and death-defying stunts, and lead star Keanu Reeves confesses that he once cut a man’s head open on set. The fourth installment of the action franchise hits theaters today and promises more thrill and excitement than its predecessors.
Reeves starred in four John Wick films, where the actor is required to deliver out-of-this-world performances when it comes to stunts. These include speeding cars, swinging swords, and breaking his enemies’ jaws.
Keanu Reeves Calls John Wick The ‘Hardest’ Role In His Entire Career
In an exclusive interview with Comic Book during John Wick: Chapter 4’s press junket, Keanu Reeves talked about his experience on set in terms of executing stunts:
“Well I mean everyone is pretty tired – but it’s the best kind of tired. It’s like you climbed a mountain now you’re resting; like you finished the game and you won.”
Unfortunately, some shocking mishaps also took place. Reeves admitted:
“So, in terms of accidents: I made a mistake once – I cut a gentleman’s head open. So that really f-cking sucked (excuse my language). But other than that – oh, one guy got hit by a car. He was in the car, so he had to go to the hospital, but he was okay.”
The actor acknowledges the danger he and his crew-mates face every day on the set, so it is essential to keep an eye out for each other:
“All of this to say: that you do have to take care. But it’s great that everyone [on set] is watching out for each other. So, there’s some bruising and aches and pains, but [imitates official PSA announcement] ‘No humans were harmed in the filming of this motion picture!’”
John Wick: Chapter 4 is expected to debut on a high note, with an estimate of $70 million domestic box office gross. The film is currently certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Reeves previously shared with Total Film that the fourth installment is the toughest action movie he ever made:
“John Wick: Chapter 4 has the most action of any of the [John Wick] films, which is saying a lot, and it’s more by a good margin. It’s a big show.”
He also added that his role as the Baba Yaga or Boogeyman of the film required so much effort and energy:
“John Wick: Chapter 4 was the hardest physical role I’ve ever had in my career so far. They really trained me up to be able to have what we call the toolbox.”
Helmed by Chad Stahelski, a former stuntman, John Wick brings a whole new definition to the art of stunt choreography. The franchise received a bigger budget, hence more funds for training and other essential tools to make the scenes more compelling and mind-blowing to watch.
Fame Of John Wick Turned A Lone Wolf Into World’s Most Feared Assassin
John Wick’s charm has allured fans all over the world. When Stahelski and the team created the first movie, no one expected it would become a massive hit and a commercial success. Despite a measly budget, they worked with a unique filmmaking style reminiscent of Asian martial arts and a storytelling method like no other.
The amount and variety of stunts performed in the movie project a higher likelihood of accidents and injuries. Keanu Reeves admitted that the strenuous activities they do for hours are one of the reasons mishaps happen; other than that, the whole cast and crew seem to have each other’s back.
John Wick: Chapter 4 is now showing in theaters worldwide.
Source: Comic Book, Total Film
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