The upcoming DC film, The Flash, is expected to set up James Gunn’s new DCU. The co-CEO has shared that the Ezra Miller feature will reboot the DC universe and the cinematic universe will continue under DCU and DC Elseworlds. While some DC fans have been looking forward to the American filmmaker’s vision for the new DCU, fans of the already-established Snyderverse did not seem very pleased with his decisions.
He has been the target of the Snyderverse fans since he fired the Man of Steel star, Henry Cavill. And now the target seems to have shifted to the upcoming film with the release of its official trailer.
The Flash Shows Off Multiple DC Superheroes
DC Studios released the first trailer of the upcoming action-adventure, The Flash at the Super Bowl LVII. The official trailer gave the first look at Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck’s Batman along with Sasha Calle’s Supergirl and Ezra Miller as the Scarlet Speedster. The trailer has confirmed Keaton and Affleck’s appearances in the film as well.
It also gives a look at the supervillain General Zod, hinting at the film’s connection with Snyderverse’s Man of Steel. However, instead of Clark Kent as Superman, The Flash will feature Kara as Supergirl. Although Henry Cavill was expected to have a cameo in the upcoming film, it has reportedly been scrapped followed by his departure from the DC films.
While the trailer has been very well received by many, others are still critical of the film due to Ezra Miller’s controversies. And seems like the film is also not very well received by Snyder fans. Soon after the release of its trailer, people started criticizing The Flash’s CGI and how it could never be better than Zack Snyder’s 2013 film Man of Steel.
Zack Snyder worked on multiple DC films, including Man of Steel and Justice League. Snyder’s films fall under the universe termed DCEU, and fans refer to his films as Snyderverse. Stars like Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa, and Ezra Miller were cast in their respective DC roles in Zack Snyder’s films.
Snyderverse Fans Target The Flash For its CGI
The controversies surrounding The Flash’s lead star still seem to haunt the DC film. While many are criticizing the studio for continuing with the film despite Miller’s run-in with the law, the film is also being criticized by Snyderverse fans.
They started comparing its CGI with The Rock’s DC film saying that it has the same “awful filmmaking” as Black Adam. They started pointing out the issues regarding CGI in the film. A Twitter user compared the fighting sequence from The Flash and Man of Steel, pointing out the fault in the upcoming DC film’s CGI.
The user compared the Supergirl fight sequence with Looney Tunes saying, “Supergirl punches a guy, and he flies like a Looney Tunes character.” They also pointed out how Zack Snyder is the only director who has attempted to portray superhero characters realistically. Snyderverse fans have been critical of the new DCU since James Gunn took over as the co-CEO and excluded Henry Cavill from his plan.
The Flash is set to release on 16 June 2023.
Source: Twitter