Three and a half years ago, Amber Heard had sat for an op-ed piece for the Washington Post. Although she had mentioned no names, she sympathized with victims of abuse saying that she too was a victim of domestic abuse. Johnny Depp, her ex-husband, and Heard had divorced 2 years prior to the publication of that article. Soon the article landed both parties in hot water, more so for Depp. The Sun published an article calling him a wife-beater. Movies dropped the actor instantly from ongoing lead roles. Depp sued Heard for defamation and hired Brown Rudnick lawyers, Benjamin Chew and Camille Vasquez, as his counsel.
The Trial Details
The Depp vs. Heard trial has been put under the public microscope since the first day of battle. The six-week trial has been ridiculed for very many reasons. Incompetency on the Heard’s lawyers’ part was one of those reasons.
The moments caught on camera broadcasting the trial were comical, some of the time. Other times, it was just downright humiliating for the defendant. Memes have been flooding the social media platforms since the defendant and the plaintiff started testifying on the stand.
However, whatever be the case, the trial was a strategic move on the plaintiff, Johnny Depp’s part to salvage his reputation after losing everything in the London libel trial. But the trial did more than that. It glorified him in the public’s eye and nothing brings back a man’s reputation like public idolatry. Amber Heard has since become villainous for her role in sullying Depp’s name and fans have been scouring the internet going back years to find proof of the abuse Depp bore.
Camille Vasquez Cross-Examination
Depp has already won the trial in the court of public opinion. His cool, calm, and calculated confidence has redeemed him in the public eye. But more than that, people have become so monochromatic in their judgment that proof of mutual abuse has been simply swept under the rug.
When it comes to Depp’s lawyers, they have done an incredibly efficient job as lawyers. Camille Vasquez has been a battering ram ever since she started her cross-examination. With a smooth, efficient cut-to-the-chase attitude, she has dissembled the case down to its roots.
During one of her cross-examinations, Vasquez directly asked Amber Heard regarding the night before the latter filed for divorce. She asked if Heard had changed the locks to her LA penthouse apartment to which she agreed. Heard replied that she “attempted to”. Vasquez followed up with the question, “That’s why you felt comfortable having James Franco over on the evening of May 22, 2016, Ms. Heard?” Heard replied she did not know when James came over.
So, the court was asked by Vasquez to pull up the plaintiff’s exhibit on the screen. The video file then played out showing an elevator CCTV footage time-stamped to show when Amber Heard exited the elevator and then re-entered with Franco in her company.
One of the moments that could be described as humiliating for all parties involved was when the footage played out and the court sat in silence to simply watch. Fans are determined that Camille Vasquez had imitated Heard’s stance as she presented the record to the court.
Source: Netizens Are Calling Camille Vasquez Savage For Her Courtroom Presentation