While the world turned its back on Johnny Depp during his trial against Amber Heard, Dior didn’t. Even with the amount of pressure the company got to fire the actor because of the controversy surrounding him during that time, Dior stayed adamant about their decision, clearly benefitting from the fame that the actor attracted. He became the center of why Dior Sauvage was so popular.
While other actors have massive deals with fragrance brands, none compare to the deal Depp recently made with Dior. It was the company’s faith in the actor that helped him through a time when everyone was turning their backs on the actor. Furthermore, when he was fired and let go from jobs left and right, the fragrance brand only looked to improve its ties.
Dior Makes The Biggest Deal With Johnny Depp
Actors like Chris Pine, Robert Pattinson, and Brad Pitt all have incredible deals with fragrance companies that pay them heartily. From Pattinson’s deal with Dior Homme, Pitt’s with Chanel No. 5, and Pine’s with Armani, it happens to be Johnny Depp’s new deal with Dior that will turn some heads. All these actors have deals that range from $4 Million to $12 Million with Pine being paid $4 Million a year for the last three years.
Johnny Depp has seemingly made a deal with Dior that will go on for three years and surpasses over $20 Million. This marks the biggest deal to ever be made for a fragrance brand. With the numerous ad campaigns and Dior Sauvage becoming one of the top men’s fragrance brands, it would not be a shocker as to why the company wants to extend its deal with the actor. The trial did not seem to impact the company and nor did the opinions of the people. Whatever was happening only seemed to encourage their support of Depp even more.
The Trial Only Benefited Dior’s Trust In Johnny Depp
Dior had taken out a statement regarding why they chose to stick with Johnny Depp despite the constant pressure from the media and public. His reputation was rapidly depleting yet Dior Sauvage chose to keep their deal with the actor. The representatives of the brand further confirmed that the benefit they got because of sticking by the actor helped in sales.
Their sales skyrocketed to a point where the brand very quickly became one of the top fragrances. Competition too could understand that the impact Depp had by being the face of Dior was not comparable. It was the actor’s image that really attracted customers more and more.
Source: Variety