Jenna Ortega who plays Wednesday Addams in the popular Addams Family spinoff series, Wednesday, is enjoying her stint with the show. The young actor recently appeared on The Jimmy Fallon Show to talk about her experience playing this unique character and the amazing responses from viewers of the show. Wednesday follows the story of a young girl who is sent to a school for outcasts and her adventures involving her present and past. The celebrity who also starred In You with Penn Badgley revealed what is in store for Season 2 of Wednesday.
Jenna Ortega prefers horror over romance
Wednesday Season 1 presented lots of thrills and chills with Jenna Ortega’s character at the centre of not only a gruesome murder mystery but also a love triangle. The actor admitted though, that it was the horror scenes that excited her more than the romantic angle of the series. Speaking about the possibilities for the character in Season 2, she said,
“I think we want to up the horror aspect a little bit and then get Wednesday out of the romantic situation, let her be her own individual and fight her own crimes,”
While many fans and Addams Family buffs have enjoyed and appreciated the storyline involving Wednesday and her two love interests Xavier and Tyler, Jenna Ortega confessed that the love triangle did not appeal to her, considering how her character was written. In a recent appearance on Dax Shepard’s podcast, the actor said,
“Her being in a love triangle made no sense… There were times on that set where I even became unprofessional in a sense where I just started changing lines”
The actor also added that her improvisations on set would puzzle the script writers as she would deviate regularly from the dialogues.
Jenna Ortega has some interesting projects lined up
Apart from her commitment to Wednesday, Jenna Ortega has also signed on various interesting projects that are in the pipeline. There are talks that the actor will reunite with her Wednesday director Tim Burton for the Beetlejuice sequel featuring Michael Keaton, Catherine O’Hara and Winona Ryder. This production which has been in the works for quite some time now will see Jenna Ortega portray the role of Winona Ryder’s daughter, Lydia Deetz.
The young star meanwhile can be seen reprising her role as Tara Carpenter in the slasher sequel Scream 6. The film also starring Melissa Barrera, Jasmin Savoy Brown and Mason Gooding released in theatres on the 10th of March, 2023.
Wednesday Season 1 is currently streaming on Netflix