Jason David Frank played the Green Ranger in the movie, Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin. The Mighty Morphin was the first Power Rangers show ever. This show has been a part of everyone’s day-to-day lives since the ’90s. The young actors who portrayed the Power Rangers were quite a close-knit group. However, some of them are not the same anymore.
All the rangers in the Mighty Morphin show were well-known, but the Green Ranger, Tommy, stood out among themselves. Have you ever wondered what became of him? It may surprise you to find out how interesting his life has been. Most of his life is still revolving around the Power rangers. However, he has dealt with a lot more than just those events over the years.
Here is the list of the Bizarre Facts about Jason David Frank, Your Favorite Green Power Ranger.
It was Jean-Claude Van Damme who provoked him into a physical quarrel at a comic con in Mexico in 2017.
At Phoenix Comic-Con, a man attempted to assassinate Frank.
Jason David Frank visited Phoenix Comic-Con in May 2017. A man entered the conference wearing body armor and at least three guns. He clearly stated that he was there to kill Frank. Also, he had a phone reminder to “Kill JDF.”
After being accused of pirating the film, the production ruled him out from attending the Reboot Premiere.
Frank has a cameo in the 2017 Power Rangers reboot. Thus, naturally, he wanted to capture the moment on his phone while viewing. But, unfortunately, the staff caught him removed him from the auditorium.
He has a 4-0 score and is an Undefeated MMA Fighter.
A 46-second bout in 2010 ended with his victory over Jose Roberto Vasquez. Before making his professional debut, he won three amateur bouts for an overall 4-0.
The “My Morphin Life” show is his online reality show. Additionally, he produces the show.
The first episode of this Online Show documents his attempt to break a Guinness World Record. This show involves skydiving and breaking boards. The series ran throughout 2014.
Frank used to Prank everyone On The Set Of ‘Power Rangers Mighty Morphin.’
In addition to drawing on Yost’s trailer couch, Frank cracked a hairbrush over his head. Also, he once tricked Yost into eating a sandwich that contained a fly.
He Set Up A Christian Mixed Martial Arts Company Called Jesus Didn’t Tap.
Frank co-founded an MMA apparel company called “Jesus Didn’t Tap” that offers Christian-themed fighting equipment.
In Karate, Frank holds an 8th-degree black belt.
Frank has always been a martial artist. At the Rising Sun Karate Academy in New Jersey, he’s an 8th-degree black belt.
Jason Frank once set a world record for the most number of pine boards broken during free-fall.
Frank had to break two more boards to break a free-fall record, and he broke sevenl. It may sound easy, but the challenge was to break the boards when you have achieved the highest downward velocity.
So this was our list on the Bizarre Facts About Jason David Frank from Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin. Which fact was your favorite? Let us know in the comment section
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