Following a controversial Instagram post shared on Friday, Jamie Foxx has taken the initiative to extend his apologies. The actor clarified that the post was referencing a personal matter, but he acknowledged that some of his followers perceived it as being antisemitic, leading him to express regret for any unintentional offense caused.
In response to the backlash received, Foxx returned to the social media platform to provide further clarification on his comments. As Foxx continues on his path of recovery from a medical emergency that led to his hospitalization in April, his recent post emerges, capturing the attention of fans and followers.
Jamie Foxx Issues A Public Apology
Last Friday (August 4), the 55-year-old artist, encompassing the realms of acting, comedy, and singing, shared a now-deleted Instagram post. In the post, he wrote, “They killed this dude named Jesus… What do you think they’ll do to you???! #fakefriends #fakelove.”
Following the accusations and backlash, Jamie Foxx promptly addressed the situation on Instagram on Saturday. In a written statement, he expressed his sincere apologies to the Jewish community and anyone who felt offended by his post. He acknowledged that his choice of words had inadvertently caused offense and emphasized that such harm was never his intention.
“I want to apologize to the Jewish community and everyone who was offended by my post. I now know my choice of words have caused offense and I’m sorry. That was never my intent,” Foxx wrote. “To clarify, I was betrayed by a fake friend and that’s what I meant with ‘they’ not anything more. I only have love in my heart for everyone. I love and support the Jewish community. My deepest apologies to anyone who was offended.”
The allegations against Foxx’s initial post are rooted in the context of an antisemitic belief, attributing the responsibility for Jesus Christ’s death to Jewish people.
Fellow Actors Come In Support Of Jamie Foxx
Amidst the controversy, certain celebrities rallied to Jamie Foxx’s defense in the comment section of his post. Actor David Krumholtz, who identifies as Jewish, expressed his perspective, stating that he did not perceive the post as antisemitic and understood the intended meaning.
“I am Jewish and I thought it was one helluva leap to call it antisemitic. I knew exactly what you meant. Everybody needs to chill,” Krumholtz wrote.
He urged everyone to remain calm. Music producer Breyon Presscot also came forward to support Foxx, emphasizing the actor’s reputation for harboring no hatred towards anyone and affirming his unwavering admiration and love for him.
Even Jennifer Aniston faced criticism for having liked Foxx’s initial post. In response, the actress promptly addressed the situation on her Instagram story, vehemently denying any association with antisemitic views. She clarified that she did not intentionally or accidentally like the post, expressing her dismay over the situation.
Source: Twitter