Months after Henry Cavill announced his departure from DC Universe, James Gunn announced a new film following the Kryptonian superhero Superman: Legacy. Earlier this month, he confirmed that he would direct the movie himself. While some DC fans have been against having another actor portray the Man of Steel, others have started sharing their suggestions online.
And as The Suicide Squad director shared a new update while debunking a rumor, fans listed actors’ names they want to see as Kal-El in future DC movies.
James Gunn Shares an Update About Superman: Legacy
Rumors regarding James Gunn’s new film, Superman: Legacy, started recently on Twitter, claiming that talent agencies have received a notice. The notice was about looking for actors in their 20s for the roles of Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen in the upcoming Superman reboot.
James Gunn debunked the rumor after a fan asked him if it was true. He took to Twitter and called the claim “untrue,” saying, that they have not started casting for the film yet. The Peacemaker director also shared that they are only listing out the potential actors for the film, and there are no such criteria as them being in their 20s.
“Untrue. We haven’t begun casting other than making lists, and it’s not limited to people in their twenties.”
Although nothing is confirmed yet, DC fans could get the new Superman soon. However, it certainly would not be easy for the co-CEO to find an actor who would live up to the standards set by the Man of Steel star, Henry Cavill.
However, there are also some fans who are eager to see their respective favorite star as the Kryptonian superhero. As Gunn still lists the potential actors, fans started assuming who would be on the list, and some also shared their suggestions.
Fans Believe New Superman Will Be An Unknown Actor
It doesn’t seem like DC fans will get over Henry Cavill’s Superman anytime soon. As James Gunn shared that he is listing potential actors for the role, fans started suggesting the names they would love to see on the list.
And many of the suggestions included Henry Cavill, as fans said, “I heard this Henry Cavill guy is very interesting.” Many even shared their list starts and ends with the Justice League star. However, fans also tried to guess which actor would be on the Super director’s list.
One of the DC fans also claimed that the director could cast someone who is not very popular as of now. The suggestions varied from Henry Cavill’s look-alike David Corenswet to Wolfgang Novogratz. Elvis star Austin Butler also joined the fan cast as fans suggested that he is the “it guy at the moment.”
Some even went on to suggest, Pedro Pascal and Brendan Fraser, but that seems unlikely. Some also shared that they are excited to see who would be the next Superman and what James Gunn has in store for DC fans with Superman: Legacy.
Source: James Gunn via Twitter