Directed by Florian Zeller, The Son is a 2022 drama film based on a play of the same name, starring actor Hugh Jackman. The movie revolves around his character’s struggles with parenting while dealing with his own generational trauma. According to early reviews, the movie wasn’t well received by the critics, earning a Rotten Tomatoes score of an underwhelming 40%.
Even though the prequel to The Father received some questionable looks, Hugh Jackman’s performance was considered to be the silver lining of the film. Recently, Hugh Jackman revealed why he was so hell-bent on getting the role in The Son. He also talked about how the movie affected his parenting in real life.
How Hugh Jackman Got the Role in The Son
In a recent interview with Deadline, Hugh Jackman revealed how he got his role in The Son. Jackman stated that he was well versed with Florian Zeller’s work and had almost worked with him on one of his plays about a few years ago. He talked about how he had watched and loved every frame of The Father and when his agent told him Zeller was making The Son, he just had to be in it.
After reading up the play, Jackman called her agent back, however, she told him that a few other actors were in conversation to play the part in the movie. Jackman wasn’t giving up so easily though. He stated that he had “felt an immediate urgency to play the role” or at least let the director know he was interested.
Jackman ended up emailing Zeller and letting him know that if he was in talks with other actors for the role of Peter, he wouldn’t cut in but if he wasn’t, he would “love to play the part.” Jackman being so upfront and interested in the role might have caught Zeller’s attention as he emailed back stating that no other actor was in consideration, just yet. The two ended up zoom calling the next day and Jackman became Peter in just a matter of seven minutes.
“But he was not planning to offer me the part, he just thought I’d meet him, and he said he just had an instinct in his gut seven minutes in and he just said, “Can we stop talking?” And I said, “Yeah.” He said, “I want you to play the part.” And I was completely surprised. I had no idea.”
Hugh Jackman’s resilience is known throughout Hollywood. The actor does not kid around when it comes to his roles. He had his heart set on playing Peter and that’s exactly what he did.
Hugh Jackman Just Had to Play the Part!
The Prisoners actor stated that he was quite nervous before the zoom call as he had never been more scared for a part before. He knew what the role demanded and had the “urgency” to be a part of the story. Looks like Jackman followed his gut feeling on this one, which ended up working in his favor!
“And I remember being terrified making the Zoom call because I said to my wife, ‘I’ve never been so scared to get a part or to not get a part. Both things at once.’ I knew what it would be to play the part, to play the role, but I also really felt an urgency to do it and to be part of the story.”
Jackman stated that Zeller described Peter to him as a “good man under a lot of pressure” who felt it was his responsibility to fix things and make them right. The actor stated that playing the character opened up his eyes about parenting. He recalled an incident where the look on his son’s face showed that he was worried his father was disappointed with him. He then went to his son and had a heart-to-heart with him.
Jackman stated that prior to doing The Son, he wouldn’t have thought or reacted the way he did. The movie made him realize conversations and discussions are important when it comes to parenting. Apart from good words for his acting, it seems like Jackman walked off with a lot more.
The Son will release in theatres on January 20, 2023.
Source: Deadline