Hollywood actor Chris Pratt has his hands full with top-notch projects. Ever since his breakout role as Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation, the actor’s career has climbed higher and higher. He has given solid performances as Star-Lord in the MCU and Owen Grady in the Jurassic World franchise. Chris Pratt’s latest project is an Amazon Prime Video series titled The Terminal List, in which he plays a former Navy SEAL called back into action.
However, it seems that there is something that bothers the talented star. Awkwardly enough, it is his first name which he shares with several other Hollywood stars.
Actor Chris Pratt Doesn’t Like Being Called By His First Name
Recently, in an interview with SiriusXM’s Pop Culture Spotlight With Jessica Shaw, Chris Pratt talked about his name. He said: “Pratt. CP. You know, CP. ‘Hey, CP.’ But no one calls me Chris. My friend, Chad. I went golfing with my friend, Chad, my pastor the other day and he was like, ‘No one calls you Chris? I’m gonna call you Chris. Alright, Chris. You’re up.’ And I was like, ‘No, it feels weird. It’s not my name. Don’t call me Chris.'”
Related: Chris Pratt Had Shockingly Predicted His Jurassic Park Role Back in 2010
Apart from the series The Terminal List, Chris Pratt will also appear in Thor: Love and Thunder, where he reprises his role as the Guardians of the Galaxy leader Star-Lord. Even though there are several actors in Hollywood with the first name Chris, Chris Pratt has distinguished himself with an impressive career full of great performances. What do you think of Chriss Pratt’s comments? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.
Thor: Love and Thunder releases on July 8 2022 in the United States.
The Terminal List is set for release on July 1 2022 on Amazon Prime Video.
Source: Pop Culture Spotlight With Jessica Shaw