Launching DC films into its magical element, Black Adam introduced a completely different side to the DC Extended Universe. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Dwayne Johnson, the movie entered cinemas with high expectations.
Despite the interesting premise of the film, rumors, and cameo appearances were its selling point, along with Dwayne Johnson leading the film. The marketing team also pulled all stops in order to push the film to a larger audience.
The reception of Black Adam has been polarizing
Despite all the build-up until the release, the film seems to have fallen flat for the critics as many ironically noted the film wasn’t dark enough. Some even pointed out how the charisma of Dwayne Johnson couldn’t save the film.
On the other hand, the fans seem to have enjoyed the film, sitting at a whopping 90% audience score. Many noted how the film is nothing groundbreaking but does everything right and it gets the DCEU a step closer to competing with Marvel.
Also read: Dwayne Johnson Promises Black Adam Crossover With The Suicide Squad: ‘Because the fans want that’
When it comes to the box office, the film seems to be going pretty well overseas with both Italy and Korea seeing a +117% and +98% increase in gross on Saturday compared to Friday. In US and Canada, it had a successful opening week of $67 million, the highest in the Jumanji actor’s career.
What is driving Black Adam despite negative critic reviews?
Even though the positive reception is playing a part in the movie’s success, there seems to be something special driving the film. One of the most common answers is Henry Cavill‘s Superman cameo at the end.
Thanks to the rumors spreading like wildfire, many of the fans watched Black Adam just to know if Snyderverse would become canon. Henry Cavill’s return has been well-received by many DC fans, which is further driving more audience into the theatres.
But word of mouth seems to be doing an equally good job as the ticket sales increased on the weekends. Due to Black Adam‘s success, its sequel is already being teased, with Henry Cavill confirmed to return in full capacity to the DCEU in the future.
Black Adam is now in theatres.
Source: Twitter