Right after BBC’s hit drama Peaky Blinders came to its conclusion, Steven Knight revealed that a possible spin-off movie could happen. Cillian Murphy, the show’s original star, is more than willing to reprise his role as the leader of the most-feared Birmingham gang.
There have not been any recent updates about the project, though Knight previously assured fans that production might commence anytime this year. Murphy is also enthusiastic about the plan seeing how successful and well-received the final season was.
Cillian Murphy Is Ready To Return As Thomas Shelby In The Upcoming Peaky Blinders Film
Speaking to Rolling Stone UK, the Oppenheimer star shared a bit about his involvement in the upcoming Peaky Blinders film. Cillian Murphy believes that the project will push through:
“If there’s more story there, I’d love to do it. But it has to be right. Steve Knight wrote 36 hours of television, and we left on such a high. I’m really proud of that last series. So, it would have to feel legitimate and justified to do more.”
Murphy also reacted to fans obsessing over his character, the enigmatic Thomas Shelby. The 47-year-old star mentioned how people could sometimes forget that he is just an actor portraying a TV character:
“I think it’s the Tommy Shelby thing. People expect this mysterious, swaggering… it’s just a character. I do feel people are a little bit underwhelmed. That’s fine, it means I’m doing my job. Peaky fans are amazing. But sometimes I feel a little sad that I can’t provide — like — that charisma and swagger. He couldn’t be further from me.”
Series creator Steven Knight revealed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that there would be more stories to anticipate depending on how the audiences receive the spin-off film:
“I’m calling [Season 6] the end of the beginning. We’re going to end the series as it is at the moment, but we’re going to do the movie, which we’ll shoot in 18 months’ time, maybe a little bit longer. After that, according to how the film structure falls into place, we’ll set in motion some spin-offs that will be part of the same universe.”
While it’s clear that there will be more Peaky Blinders content in the coming future, fans will be anticipating a larger universe that will explore more about the most dangerous men in England.
Steven Knight Shares Plot Details About Peaky Blinders Movie
In an exclusive interview with Radio Times, Knight revealed that the script is “nearly” done, and they have got the shooting schedule and the cast ready. He revealed more details about the plot and the settings:
“I’ve had this in mind for quite a while now, a story with the Peakys during the Second World War, and I’ve picked up three true stories that I’m integrating into the film. True, sort of secret and unknown stories about the Second World War, and [I’ve] involved the Peakys in there.”
Knight also teased fans with more violent action and dark scenes:
“I’m always interested because with the Second World War there was so much going on and so much death and destruction, that lots of things happened that didn’t really make it into the history books.”
With a meticulous study of the past and rigorous preparation for the upcoming Peaky Blinders film, it is only reasonable that it might take the production team a long while before they dive into the filming stage.
Peaky Blinders is available on Netflix, Prime Video, and AppleTV.
Sources: Rolling Stone UK, EW, Radio Times