Actor Charlie Cox, who got his breakthrough role as Matt Murdock in Netflix’s series Daredevil, isn’t the first actor to play MCU’s character. Prior to him, Ben Affleck starred in his standalone Daredevil film in 2003. However, Cox certainly has some opinions in his mind about his predecessor. While discussing the future of Netflix’s Daredevil series in 2022, Cox openly criticized the 2003 Ben Affleck-starring film.
Evidently, Charlie Cox had some less-than-charitable words for Ben Affleck and his movie outfit. Discussing the 2003 movie based on Marvel’s Man Without Fear, Cox brutally slammed the movie version at Middle East Film & Comic Con 2022 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Charlie Cox Slammed Ben Affleck-Led Daredevil Movie
Netflix’s Daredevil star Charlie Cox, known for his MCU role as Matt Murdock expressed his honest opinions about his Daredevil predecessor Ben Affleck. Claiming to be no fan of Affleck’s 2003 movie, during the Middle East Film & Comic Con 2022 in Abu Dhabi, the 40-year-old actor revealed he never watched the MCU superhero movie until after he was cast for the same role.
“I watched it once, and then I wanted to go and do my own thing. I hadn’t seen it before I got the role. I watched it when I got the role.” Charlie Cox stated.
Disappointed with what he had watched in the 2003 movie, Cox was quick to claim how he wished to bring certain changes. Unwilling to hurt the Oscar-winning actor’s feelings by criticizing his work of art, the 40-year-old mentioned, Affleck does “a really good Matt Murdock, I like his Matt Murdock.” However, openly slamming the Ben Affleck-led Daredevil movie, Cox added, “I don’t love the movie.”
“I feel like the movie tried to do too much and it was a little tonally confused.” the actor mentioned.
While Ben Affleck might not disagree with the 40-year-old’s criticism, since he criticized his own Daredevil movie in 2015, it was still highly unlikely for Charlie Cox to brutally slam his predecessor’s movie.
Charlie Cox Criticized Ben Affleck’s Outfit From The Movie
Presenting his personal opinion on the 2003 Daredevil movie during the event’s audience Q&A session, Charlie Cox mentioned how the filmmaker could have utilized the MCU characters in a better way. “They had everyone in that movie — they had Kingpin, they had Bullseye, they had Elektra, they had Karen Page, they had Foggy” Cox stated.
However, he felt, despite having a scope to play with the characters and create an interesting movie, they turned the 2003 film into a disaster. “It was saturated, and it’s two hours. So that was part of that problem.” the actor slammed. Picking at every aspect of the film, Cox ultimately took the criticism to the next level when he joked about Ben Affleck’s outfit in the movie.
“And the suit sucks!” Charlie Cox concluded his Daredevil‘s garb with a mic drop statement. Cox’s less charitable feelings received mixed reviews from fans. While a few fans agreed with the 40-year-old actor and mentioned how even Affleck criticized his own acting by calling it “kind of silly”, others simply bashed Cox for speaking against the Oscar-winning actor’s performance.
Source: People