Based on the 1917 series of the same name, the crime drama SWAT premiered in November 2017 and has been running for the past five years on CBS. The sixth season of the show is currently airing on the network, and it was recently announced that the ongoing season of the show will be its final season. The news came hard for fans, who shared their disappointment and sadness regarding the show’s cancellation.
Along with fans, the star of the show, Shemar Moore, also shared his disappointment with the show’s cancellation on his Instagram, saying that abruptly canceling the show makes no sense.
CBS Canceled The Crime Drama SWAT
Earlier this week, CBS Entertainment announced that season six of the crime drama SWAT will be the last season of the show. The series will air its final episode in the coming week on 19 May 2023. The co-production of Sony Pictures TV and CBS Studios ranked among the top 20 dramas on ad-supported TV despite seeing a little slip in its adults 18-49 rating.
The president of CBS Entertainment, Amy Reisenbach, thanked the stars, creators, and fans for their work and support for the series. She also praised the makers and stars for the “compelling, action-packed episodes” that address “important social issues” and contribute to the network’s primetime success.
“For six seasons, the amazing talents of the SWAT cast led by Shemar Moore, the writers, producers, and crew guided by executive producers Shawn Ryan, Andy Dettman, and Aaron Rahsaan Thomas brought us compelling, action-packed episodes that also addressed important social issues and contributed to the success of our primetime lineup.”
The star of the show Shemar Moore also didn’t seem happy with the decision and took to Instagram to share his disappointment with the show’s cancellation. In his Instagram video, the actor also called out TV diversity for canceling the only African American male lead on broadcast television.
Shemar Moore Disappointed With SWAT’s Cancelation
Followed by SWAT’s cancellation, Shemar Moore, who portrays the LAPD Sgt. Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson took to Instagram to share his disappointment with the decision. Talking about the cancellation, he said, “It makes no sense” before adding, “We’ve done nothing wrong. We did everything that was asked for. “
The show has recorded growth in its audience compared to its last season, and the Criminal Minds actor also praised how SWAT’s ratings have grown over the past two years. He further said, “SWAT is the most diverse show on CBS.” Moore also mentions that when he was cast in the role of Harrelson, the network got “a lot of flak” for the lack of diversity.
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Moore also stated in his video that the cast was led to believe for the past few weeks that the series “would have some semblance of a season seven” for a proper goodbye. However, the cancelation came abruptly just days before the last episode of season 6.
Although he mentioned that there was a lot of “politics” involved in its cancelation, he did not share many details about it. The Brothers actor wished the series to continue once the executives realized that they made a mistake with the show’s cancellation and asked fans to support SWAT.
SWAT is currently airing on CBS.
Source: Shemar Moore via Instagram