The much-loved and popular Netflix show, The Crown, follows the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth II. The show is inspired by the real life of the royal family and dramatizes their story. The Crown is currently in its fifth season, having revamped the entire cast. The newest season focuses on the years 1991 to 1997 which were filled to the brim with drama for the royal family. This is the first season after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and has also been criticized for airing just a few months after her demise.
Well, this isn’t the only criticism The Crown has faced in all its years on the screens. People close to the royal family have expressed their disappointment with the series. Recently, another addition was made to the list. Queen Elizabeth II’s friend and maid of honor, Lady Anne Glenconner also vocalized her issues with the drama.
Lady Anne Glenconner Calls The Crown “Unfair”
While in conversation on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, Lady Anne Glenconner revealed that she believes that The Crown, directed by Peter Morgan, is “unfair” to the members of the royal family as many people believe the dramatizations of the events to be a reality, which is not quite the case.
“The trouble is that people, especially in America, believe it completely. It’s so irritating. I don’t watch The Crown now because it just makes me so angry. And it’s so unfair on members of the royal family.”
She further expressed her disappointment with a particular scene in the series, one which involved the death of Prince Philip’s sister. The tragic plane crash which caused the demise of Princess Cecile of Grace was shown in the series. In the scene, the late Duke of Edinburgh was seen insisting that his sister get on the plane. Glenconner called the entire scene “completly untrue.” She added that portraying people in that light is hurtful and that no one deserves to have their relations trashed.
Lady Anne Glenconner Criticizes Helena Bonham Carter
Princess Margaret’s character was played by extremely popular actress, Helena Bonham Carter. Glenconner revealed that Carter had come to her for advice on how to get into the character and she told her things like how Princess Margaret smoked and how she walked. Later, when she met Carter after the show had aired, she expressed her disappointment with her portrayal. When Carter asked her what she thought of her role, Glenconner said she was “rather disappointed.”
In another interview, she also called out the show for showing the untrue event where Princess Margaret is seen making rude rhymes with the then U.S. President, Lyndon B Johnson.
With the ever-growing criticism against the show, The Crown decided to add a disclaimer under the trailer for its fifth season which states that while the show is inspired by real events, it is a fictional dramatization.
The Crown is available to stream on Netflix.
Source: BBC Radio 4