Doom Patrol (2019-2021), a DC series comprising quirky, surly, antisocial, and panic-driven characters makes the most unlikely superhero group known to man. They quickly grew on the audience – not because they are easily approachable or even heroic in their call to society, but because they make the audience fall in love with their broken, tainted, and even hopelessly nihilistic selves. They carry on, even through the menace that they have faced, and are daily subjected to.
Related article: The Wild, Weird History of DC’s Doom Patrol
Doom Patrol — A Callback to DC’s Unlikely Superhero Group
The superhero series was formed, launched, and run in the shadows of more successful, popular, favored, or recent televised series of the superhero franchise. But the series did not escape the notice of those who are inclined toward more substance, for a however limited time, rather than the grueling and stretched-thin expansion of shows like The Flash or Arrow.
Also read: Doom Patrol: 6 Things Only Comic Book Fans Know!
Doom Patrol was a fresh wave, a renaissance among the world of comic lovers. The series that could possibly, in retrospect, be momentarily discarded due to its bizarre subject and unlikelihood to hit off among the usual crowd did in fact receive the merciful green light and became substantially and fundamentally one of the best comics to live-action projects ever to be adapted under the banner of DC.
Also read: Doom Patrol: 12 Crazy Facts About DC’s Weirdest Superhero Team
Reports Indicate the Scrapping of Underrated DC Series
Doom Patrol brought to the forefront the most underrated actors in the industry. Whether it was visionary of the franchise to hire them or the actors who saw the potential in the series remains a mystery, but it did bring about the coming together of people like Brendan Fraser, Matt Bomer, April Bowlby, Diane Guerrero, Michelle Gomez, and the incredible Timothy Dalton and Alan Tudyk.
Also read: Doom Patrol Season 3: DC’s Brotherhood of Evil Introduced
However, a glimpse of what could be hailed a true television experience was, like all good things, silent in its impact and too under the radar to have people haranguing DC for its immediate renewal. After its 3rd season that ended in 2021, any further reports of Season 4 were not to be heard from the franchise, and with the direction that WB and DC are headed, people have been crying foul.
Related article: Best Characters from Doom Patrol (All Three Seasons)
The ridiculously funny series that had a good run among its limited viewership is now striving to stay afloat among recent shifts under the new management of Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav. Titans is facing a similar decision, although the impact of the former will be felt at a much larger scale. Shows like Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, and Penguin, on the other hand, have a secure fate in the franchise, at least for the foreseeable future.
All three seasons of Doom Patrol are now streaming on HBO Max.
Source: Variety