The highly anticipated Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) series, Secret Invasion, was expected to deliver an epic crossover as shape-shifting alien Skrulls infiltrated Earth. Amidst numerous speculations and rumors, one stood out prominently – the possible appearance of Chloe Bennett loved for portraying Daisy “Quake” Johnson in the hit TV series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fans held their hopes high for her reprising the iconic role in the MCU. Unfortunately, as the episodes of Secret Invasion unraveled, the dreams of seeing Chloe Bennett in action remained unfulfilled, leaving many fans disappointed.
Chloe Bennett’s Rumoured Appearance in Secret Invasion
Chloe Bennett‘s portrayal of Daisy Johnson in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. garnered a tremendous following among Marvel fans, thanks to her exceptional performance. From her humble beginnings as a hacker named Skye to her transformation into a formidable Inhuman with seismic powers, Daisy’s compelling character arc captivated the hearts of viewers and solidified her status as one of the most beloved figures in the MCU television universe. Naturally, fans eagerly anticipated her transition to the big screen in the upcoming Secret Invasion.
Rumors surrounding Chloe Bennett’s involvement in Secret Invasion began circulating well before the show’s official announcement. Speculation reached fever pitch as Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, hinted at the potential integration of characters from the Marvel TV series into the broader MCU. Given that Secret Invasion revolves around a conspiracy involving Skrull infiltration, fans couldn’t help but connect the dots and envision Quake as an ideal candidate, considering her extraordinary abilities and S.H.I.E.L.D. background.
Fan Expectations and Their Disappointment
As rumors gained traction, fan excitement peaked. Online forums and social media platforms buzzed with discussions and fan theories about Chloe Bennett’s involvement in Secret Invasion. The idea of their favorite character crossing over into the main MCU storyline tantalized fans who had invested years in following Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Read Also: Secret Invasion Reportedly Bringing Back Chloe Bennet’s Quake After Marvel Star Teased Return to MCU
However, Bennett dispelled the rumors by sharing a multi-part Instagram story where she clarified everything.
“I am in no way attached or involved, even at all or a little bit, in the Secret Invasion Marvel thing,” she avowed. “I honestly don’t even know what that is.”
While the show was undoubtedly well-received by fans and critics alike, the absence of a character so beloved within the MCU community left some fans feeling let down.
Chloe Bennet in Invincible 2
Invincible 2 which is yet to be released has brought a long list of new cast members including Chloe Bennet. The animated series Invincible achieved tremendous success on Amazon Prime Video, captivating fans who eagerly awaited news of a second season. The show’s popularity led to a renewal not only for a second season but also for a third.
This decision was influenced by petitions and hashtags that gained traction in April 2021. Creator Robert Kirkman had previously hinted at the possibility of more episodes, considering the challenges of production timelines. However, given the overwhelming success of the series, future seasons are expected to have a smoother and more streamlined production process.
Invincible Season 2 will premiere on November 3, 2023, on Prime Video.