Marvel’s Phase Four film, Thor: Love and Thunder has officially tanked at the box office and Taika Waititi’s big-budget production has an abysmal Rotten Tomatoes rating to prove the fact. The MCU film served as the fourth Thor installment, the first one since Thanos’s universal destruction, and the only one without Tom Hiddleston’s Loki.
Although, the film was supposed to make up for it with an incredibly unnerving portrayal of Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher and Natalie Portman’s ascension to Mighty Thor. But the film’s overtly comedic tone blended with the exaggerated mockery of what was once an iconic grim repertoire of the God of Thunder has failed to succeed in the public’s opinion.
Related article: God of Mischief, For a Reason — Love and Thunder Proved the Thor Franchise Cannot Survive Without Loki
Thor: Love and Thunder Racks Up an Abysmal RT Score
Under the directorial prowess of the Kiwi filmmaker, Taika Waititi, there is a rare chance of a film not finding a warm corner in the audience’s heart. Waititi is known for his largely satirical overtone in his films, which narrate a dangerous societal truth made comfortable for public consumption via the medium of comedy.
However, it seems that the unique skillset of the director failed to keep up with the taste of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its fandom. The first Marvel x Waititi venture, Thor: Ragnarok did surprisingly well and was received with widespread praise and adoration among fans and garnered ratings of 7.9 on IMDb and 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, its successor, Thor: Love and Thunder ran the opposite path with 6.8 on IMDb and 66% on RT.
Marvel Faces Judgment As Thor 4 Flops Harder Than JL
The 2017 Justice League was an upsetting event in recorded movie history, following a mass of scandals and the exit of Zack Snyder from WB before the completion of his third installment in the Snyderian trilogy. However, with the assistance of the social media movement, namely #ReleasetheSnyderCut, the film in all its glory did find its way to the surface with 2021’s Justice League: Snyder’s Cut.
All of the critical acclaim following the Justice League however only amounted to 77% on Rotten Tomatoes. Although Snyder’s Cut remains a vision of incredible cinematic art, in the eternal enmity between MCU and DC fans, these ratings have only managed to fuel the flames of war. Now, the comments have come barrelling down accompanied by harsh criticisms levied at the Marvel franchise for its pathetic attempt at a Thor installment that was neither inspired nor grounded in its comic roots to draw authentic praise from critics or fans alike.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Source: Rotten Tomatoes