Black Adam offered an entirely new side to the DC Extended Universe by launching DC films into their magical element. The film, directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and starring Dwayne Johnson, debuted in theatres with great expectations and, spoiler alert, the much-anticipated return of Henry Cavill as Superman in the post-credit scene.
Despite the mixed reviews of many of his films, Henry Cavill has become the most famous Superman of the twenty-first century, leaving an everlasting stamp on the superhero series. He initially appeared as the huge blue boy scout in Zack Snyder’s DC Extended Universe film Man of Steel.
Henry Cavill said no to returning as Superman
Netflix has officially revealed some interesting new information about The Witcher season 3. Not only is the filming over, but it’s also been revealed that we’ll be returning to the continent in 2023. While no official date has been announced, Netflix has teased the show’s release timetable. Those hoping for new episodes featuring Geralt, Ciri, Yennefer, and Jaskier are in luck.
Cavill stated on getting a call saying “hey this is happening when can you do it.” To which The Mission Impossible: Fallout star laughed and said, “I’m working six days a week, I don’t know when I can do that.”
Although burdened with these glorious purposes, Cavill did reconsider joining the DCEU as Superman at one point in time. In a recent interview with MTV’s Josh Horowitz, Henry Cavill revealed several interesting revelations about his return as the Kryptonian after such a long time. The Witcher star said,
“I probably shouldn’t deserve to wear the cape, but I never gave up hope and it’s amazing to be here now.”
The actor revealed in the podcast how he got the call for his cameo in Black Adam while filming The Witcher. The main motivation for Henry Cavill’s coming back to the DC universe can be attributed to Dwayne Johnson and his Black Adam. The project was so top-secret that he couldn’t even tell The Witcher crew the truth.
Henry Cavill’s future in the DCEU
Spoilers to Black Adam ahead!
After stunning fans with a cameo in Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam, the British actor affirmed his future as Superman. Taking on his Instagram, the 39-year-old actor wrote, “A very small taste of what’s to come, my friends. The dawn of hope renewed. Thank you for your patience, it will be rewarded.”
Former DC Films executive Walter Hamada initially rejected Johnson and the Black Adam production team’s plan for a Superman cameo in the new picture, but new executives greenlit the idea late in the process, allowing Cavill to film the sequence last month in London.
Johnson told in an interview earlier this month, ahead of the premiere of Black Adam, that making a movie in which Black Adam fights Superman is “the whole point of this.” DC Studios is working on a Man of Steel 2 sequel, with Cavill set to reprise his role. The studio is now looking for a writer.
Black Adam is currently running in theatres.
Source: Twitter