Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen, one of the most watched animes in 2023, continues to generate online buzz as its second season delights viewers by showing the characters’ younger selves. The narrative centers on high school student Yuji Itadori as he joins an underground crew of Jujutsu sorcerers to combat Ryomen Sukuna, a potent Curse of which Yuji becomes the host. Since March 2018, the manga has been serialized in Shueisha’s weekly manga publication, Weekly Shonen Jump.
In order to find the demon’s additional body parts and exorcise himself, Yuji Itadori enters a school for shamans in the anime version, which debuted in 2020. However, there have been rumors about the end for more than a year. Finally, Gege Akutami steps forward and breaks the silence.
Also read:Jujutsu Kaisen: 7 Most Powerful Curses Except Sukuna, Ranked
Gege Akutami speaks on the series ending
In an interview on February 27, 2021, Gege Akutami disclosed that the Jujutsu Kaisen manga’s plot has already reached its midway mark and will end in two years (until 2023). “I am talking with my editor about the fact that manga will be over in 2 years, but we will have to see what the editor thinks about this decision.”
The fact that there is a delay in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga’s climax is undoubtedly good news for readers who appreciate the plot. The inventor reassures supporters that the delay is simply taking place to live up to their expectations, despite all the misunderstanding surrounding the hurried finale. Gege Akutami offers his gratitude to readers worldwide in a sincere statement.
“The fact that my manga has been able to cross the ocean and be enjoyed by so many people feels so mysterious to me. But also, I’m very grateful.”
He continues by saying that even if the manga is nearing its conclusion, it is unlikely to conclude soon. Fans may anticipate more suspenseful episodes of their beloved series. It’s therefore very likely that the manga won’t end in any way this year. However, we have yet to receive definitive proof of it.
Also read:7 Times Sukuna Was A Total Badass In Jujutsu Kaisen
A glimpse of the author’s favorite character, Kento Nanami
In an interview on February 27, 2021, Gege Akutami was asked to name his favorite character from the series. To which he answered,“Kento Nanami is my favorite character. I started to grasp the story when he was introduced.” Akutami has stated in the past that Nanami was the first character he fully developed for Jujutsu Kaisen, which is why he likes him greatly. Although he has said that Sukuna was his first creation, it appears that Nanami was the initial character he fully developed in terms of concepts, origins, personality traits, and powers.
Nanami is a highly intelligent and quiet man who frequently comes across as stern and distant due to his seeming calmness and indifference. He appears to be the sort of individual who takes their jobs far too seriously, but Nanami simply understands how to distinguish altruism from duty. In most interactions, he is direct and to the point; he is not a fan of unrealistic optimism or open-ended queries.
Nanami mostly fights with a dull blade and does so with great skill. Nanami, when coupled with his cursed skill, can cut past anything, even a blocking rival who is defending themselves with cursed energy. Nanami holds the blade with elegance and poise, hitting with lightning-fast agility and pinpoint accuracy with each stroke of his weapon. Nanami is a skilled unarmed combatant in addition to being skilled in armed warfare. His natural skill works just as effectively via his fists as it does with his blunt blade.
Also read:Jujutsu Kaisen: Here’s Why Geto’s Fate Was Sealed after Picking a Fight With Mastermind Toji
Source: Dexerto