Ocean’s 11 is a beloved heist film that combines star power, wit, and clever storytelling. Led by George Clooney as Danny Ocean, the ensemble cast, including Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts, executes a meticulously planned scheme to rob three Las Vegas casinos. The film’s stylish execution and charismatic performances make it an enduring classic.
The Ocean’s film franchise has amassed a staggering worldwide box office revenue of approximately $1.4 billion. Despite the resounding success of Ocean’s 8, which featured Oscar winner, Sandra Bullock, fans eagerly anticipate a reunion of the original gang led by Danny (Clooney) and Rusty (Pitt) in Ocean’s 14. However, the reason behind the delay carries a tinge of tragedy, which has prevented the film from materializing thus far.
What Caused The Delay In the Sequel’s Production
As fans might have speculated, there were intentions to reunite the gang again. However, a heartbreaking event occurred during that period as beloved cast member Bernie Mac passed away in 2008 due to pneumonia-related complications.
In response to the news, George Clooney expressed, “The world just got a little less funny. He will be missed dearly.” Likewise, Brad Pitt shared his sentiments, stating, “I lament the loss of a ferociously funny and hardcore family man. My thoughts are with Rhonda and their family. Bernie Mac, you are already missed.“
Following the passing of Bernie Mac, the enthusiasm for another Ocean’s film waned. Don Cheadle confirmed this sentiment in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, stating, “We were talking about it, and then Bernie passed, and very quickly we were like, ‘No, we don’t want to do it.'” Consequently, the notion of Ocean’s 14 was abandoned until more recently.
It Might Not All Be Bad News For Fans After All
After a considerable passage of time, it appears that director Steven Soderbergh and the cast are now contemplating the long-awaited Ocean’s 14. Don Cheadle, who recently collaborated with Soderbergh in the film No Sudden Move alongside Benicio Del Toro, expressed his optimism about reuniting the entire ensemble once again.
“I just did a movie with Steven and he said, ‘I think there may be a way to do it again. I’m thinking about it,'” the actor said. “And it didn’t go much further than that.”
Given the significant time gap, the willingness of the original cast members to return for another installment of Ocean’s remains uncertain. Nonetheless, Don Cheadle has some thoughts on the matter, suggesting that the core group, including George Clooney and Brad Pitt, would likely be interested in reprising their roles. He expressed curiosity about the outcome, stating, “It would be interesting to see.”
Ocean’s 11 is available for rent and purchase on Google Play and Amazon Instant Video.
Source: The Things