Bruce Willis, the renowned Hollywood actor, has been suffering from Frontotemporal Dementia. The uncurable disease has affected the actor’s memory and speech, forcing him to retire from Hollywood. His family is making the most of the time that they have left with him. His family shared a public statement in February, stating that there is no cure for this disease, and they would like to change this reality in the coming years.
The Die Hard actor turned 68, this Sunday and his wife shared a heartwarming video on his birthday. Emma Hemming Willis expressed her emotions, and how she is feeling on her husband’s birthday since addressing Bruce Willis’ uncurable disease.
Emma Hemming Willis Shares a Heartwarming Video on Bruce Willis’ Birthday
Emma Hemming Willis went to Instagram to share a reel on Bruce Willis’ birthday, explaining how much grief she is feeling on her husband’s birthday. She expressed having a choice but she has the responsibility of raising two kids while taking care of her husband. She explained how she feels “grief” and “sadness” every day.
“So, today is my husband’s birthday. Umm, I have started the morning by crying. Chuckles. Uh, as you can see by my swollen eyes and snotty nose. I just think it’s important that you see all sides of this. Um, I always get this, where people always tell me, oh like ‘You’re so strong. I don’t know how you do it.’ I’m not given a choice. I wish I was. Um, but I’m also raising two kids in this. Um, so sometimes in our lives we have to put our big girl panties on and…and get to it. And that’s what I’m doing. Um, but I do have times of sadness. Every day. Grief every day. Um, and I’m really feeling it today. Um, on his birthday.”
She continued, how she is posting a reel on her husband’s birthday and how the videos are a “knife in my heart.” But she does it for the fans who love the Unbreakable actor so much.
“So, I worked on this reel that I’m posting for my husband’s birthday. I don’t why I do that to myself because the videos are like a knife in my heart. Um, but as much as do it for myself, I do it for you. Because I know how much you love my husband. And, don’t cry Emma. But it means so much to me so thank you.”
The CocoBaba founder was praised by fans in the reel, calling her strong and putting on a brave mask, and it is not shameful to cry. The reel was immensely loved by the fans, wishing the actor on his birthday, and praying for his speedy recovery.
Bruce Willis Spoke for the First Time Since his Dementia Diagnosis
Bruce Willis has been keeping a low profile since his FTD became public. The actor was seen having a good time on his birthday. Demi Moore shared a video of the family celebrating Willis’ birthday. The family members and the list of close guests sang Happy Birthday, and the actor was in high spirits and sang a few words to the song.
The actor seemed to stumble slightly when he blew out the candles, and everyone including Bruce Willis chuckled at the moment. The video was heartwarming to see because ever since the actor was diagnosed with the disease, the family is closer than ever; supporting each other.
Source: Instagram