Tom Hardy is widely renowned for his fabulous works on the big screen as well as for his infamous tactics off-screen. Globally acclaimed for his marvelous contribution to Marvel’s anti-hero movie Venom among others, the 45-year-old actor has managed to land his roles in several super hit action-thriller movies despite his notorious teenage antics surfacing and acting as a potential threat to his accomplished career.
However, it seems like his bad-boy aura still hasn’t left him, judging how Hardy ‘wrestled’ the director of the Leonardo DiCaprio starrer $533M movie The Revenant in a vague attempt of lightening the mood on the sets.
Tom Hardy Wrestled the Director of The Revenant Off-Screen
Tom Hardy’s portrayal on-screen is supposedly claimed to be his personality off-screen – a dark, capricious, and deranged person with controlling behavior and unhinged angular energy. And a relatively large portion of this claim is thanks to the actor’s antics that he pulled in his teenage years.
However, Hardy claims he is actually a softie, with just a teenie bit of bad-boy demeanor. What proves this point is that the 45-year-old actor was willing to confirm in an interview that he wrestled The Revenant director Alejandro González Iñárritu in an attempt to lighten up the mood on-sets. The Oscar-winning actor said,
“When things get a bit too serious, I go, ‘Why don’t we have a cuddle in front of all these people here?’ It ends with both of us falling down in the snow. I think that’s a good thing. If I’m the naughty boy for doing that, then I’d rather be the naughty boy and release that tension.”
Even though before the release of the movie consistent rumors about the tension off-screen kept piling up, Tom Hardy claims he is willing to be called the naughty boy if that meant he could release the stress among the crew.
Tom Hardy’s Villainous Role in The Revenant
While Tom Hardy is a soft-hearted person on the inside, his role in the $533M movie says otherwise. In The Revenant, the Academy Award winner portrays Fitzgerald, a criminal running for his life from bad debts, who later on end up on a fur-trapping expedition to escape from his vicious creditors.
Furthermore, Fitzgerald is also painted as a villainous character with close to no empathy for people around him as he leaves his companion (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) to die after getting mauled by a bear. With his role described as evil, Tom Hardy jokes about wanting fans to believe him to be the same as his character.
Nevertheless, it seems that Tom Hardy’s naughty attempt at clearing the tension behind the scenes certainly paid off for the movie went on to become a blockbuster and got nominated for and won 3 Oscars as well.
You can watch The Revenant on Amazon Instant Video.
Source: Vanity Fair