Jared Leto starred in a 2000 film titled Requiem for a Dream that featured the actor in a Drama/Psychological thriller. Portraying the role of a heroin addict, the actor gave it his all to stay true to his character.
Talking about the horrible experience, Jared Leto stated that his condition was so terrible that he couldn’t even finish a taco all by himself. With the movie earning success and Leto getting highlighted for his performance, the actor stated that he would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Jared Leto Went Through Hell And Back For His Role
Back in 2000, the actor starred in a film titled Requiem for a Dream. With high ratings and Jared Leto portraying the role of a heroin addict, the Suicide Squad actor talked about how he had given the role everything that he had and the toll it took on his mental health.
In an interview, the actor talked about his complex diet and the heavy toll that it took on him in portraying the character of a heroin addict. Stating that he was strictly on a diet of raw vegetables, he started getting increasingly sick as filming continued.
“I got increasingly sick as the film went on and I started getting addicted to losing weight. And more so addicted to the challenge of like, ‘you know you can do a little bit more’. There’s a little voice in your head. I had a number that I wanted to get down to and that number kept getting lower as you get used to it! Because you look in the mirror and I didn’t see myself as skinny.”
Jared Leto further continued,
“I started to eat this taco and I took like two or three bites and I was almost halfway through the taco which was an incredibly large meal for me because at the time I was only eating raw vegetables, a piece or two of broccoli and cucumbers I ate a lot. And someone said to me, `Woah look how much food you ate.’ And that just set me off the deep end. I couldn’t eat anymore. It was very difficult, emotionally. It was a very tough thing filled with a lot of guilt.”
Bearing through so much pain and intensity, Jared Leto stated that despite all of the trouble he is prepared to do it all over again if the role was once again offered to him.
Jared Leto Would Do It All Over Again In A Heartbeat
As the interview progressed, the Morbius actor stated that it was the most rewarding thing that he had done to date. The actor described his pain in this hurtful statement by describing the shooting as miserable but also the reward that he got in the end.
”It was a difficult, painful, miserable shoot, I’ll tell you that. And the most rewarding thing that I’ve done. And I’m not complaining either. I mean I would do it again in a heartbeat; maybe not a heartbeat, but a long breath! There were days where it was so rewarding I was in ecstasy.”
The 2000 film received a rating of 8.3/10 on IMDB and 78% on Rotten Tomatoes. Requiem for a Dream is currently available to rent on Apple TV+.
Source: Albawaba News