In the stunning world of showbiz, even the brightest stars face moments of discontent. Jennifer Lawrence, the beloved and highly regarded actress, experienced such a situation with the sci-fi film Passengers. Despite receiving a piece of cautionary advice from her friend, Adele, to reconsider her decision, Lawrence went ahead with the project, only to later openly express her deep disappointment.
This incident showed the complex dynamics of the entertainment industry, where even famous actors can find themselves grappling with projects that fail to meet their expectations.
Jennifer Lawrence Regretted Her Role In Passengers
In the ever-transforming world of Hollywood, even the most accomplished actors often consider their choices with a hint of regret.
Jennifer Lawrence, the notable and beloved actress, found herself immersed in such reflection regarding her role in the film Passengers.
While the movie achieved commercial success at the box office despite the not-so-great critical reception, the 32-year-old acknowledged that she should have never accepted the part.
In a previous interview with The New York Times, while promoting her film Causeway, Lawrence delved into her relationship with fame, her evolution as an actor, and the influence of external factors on her career decisions during her 20s.
Reflecting on her post-Hunger Games choices, which included the sci-fi, and action film Passengers, Lawrence candidly admitted that she had been more reactive than proactive in her decision-making process. She said,
“Everything was like a rebound effect. I was reacting, rather than just acting.”
Additionally, she expressed regret for not taking note of the advice of a friend regarding the film.
Jennifer Lawrence Hated Ignoring Adele’s Warning About Passengers
In the early 2010s, Lawrence flew to superstardom with her roles in The Hunger Games franchise and the critically acclaimed Silver Linings Playbook, which earned her an Oscar.
However, her career hit a stumbling block as she became involved in poorly received movies and the diminishing returns of the X-Men sequels.
Reflecting on this period, the actress revealed in an interview that her good friend Adele had tried to prevent her from working on a project that is often considered a low point in her career, Passengers, the 2016 sci-fi drama co-starring Chris Pratt. She recalled,
“Adele told me not to do it. She was like, I feel like space movies are the new vampire movies. I should have listened to her.”
Passengers represented Lawrence and Pratt as awakened travelers on a spaceship, but despite being marketed as a star-studded romance, it was met with harsh criticism.
The film turned out to be a humorous two-hour show of sci-fi, traumatic bonding. Its bad rating on Rotten Tomatoes further attested to its underwhelming blowout.
Lawrence’s candid revelation not only highlights the importance of seeking guidance but also the consequences of disobeying it.
Source: NY Time