Emma Watson, who is well-known for her iconic portrayal of Hermione Granger in the beloved Harry Potter film series, embarked on an extraordinary journey to expand her horizons as an actor and surpass the captivating world that pushed her to global recognition. A key moment in her journey came with her role in the highly acclaimed movie, Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Despite her exceptional abilities and achievements, the actress revealed her vulnerability, confessing to wrestling with insecurities before stepping into this transformative project.
Emma Watson Struggled With Insecurity Before Her Post-Harry Potter Film Debut
Stepping away from the world of Harry Potter was an unusual experience for Emma Watson, particularly as her new role in Perks of Being A Wallflower presented a stark departure from her beloved character.
The transformation extended beyond appearances, with the 33-year-old needing to break free from her Potter persona. Although initially enthusiastic about the film, she began to hold doubts as the filming approached.
The Beauty and the Beast star questioned her ability to do justice to the role, feeling frustrated by the absence of personal experiences in an American high school. In an interview, she explained,
“I was angry at myself. I was worried I didn’t have a single personal experience to draw on for the movie, having never been to an American high school, in fact never having been to a high school at all. And I was really worried that someone else could do the role better.”
Fortunately, director Stephen Chbosky provided comfort, assuring Watson that her casting was based on her genuine image of the character’s personality rather than her experiences.
With resolve and grace, Watson overcame her uncertainties, embarked on a new chapter, and proved that even the most brilliant stars encounter moments of doubt on their journey toward continued success.
Why Did Emma Watson Want To Star In The Perks Of Being A Wallflower?
Undoubtedly, Perks of Being a Wallflower stands as an exceptional coming-of-age film, complete with a captivating soundtrack.
For Watson, whose own coming-of-age story unfolded amidst her time as part of the Potter franchise, working on this cult classic provided a unique opportunity to delve into the real-life experiences of grade school.
Despite her unfamiliarity with portraying an American teenager, her determination to embody Sam remained unwavering.
The reassurance from the director and writer removed her doubts, and Watson’s decision to portray Sam stemmed from a genuine love for the character rather than a mere desire for contrast to her Potter days.
At the age of 15 or 16, when the artist found herself uninspired by the scripts she encountered, Perks of Being a Wallflower emerged as a beautifully written and humorous gem that instantly resonated with her. She said,
“I wasn’t really into anything and then I read Perks of Being a Wallflower, and it’s so beautifully written and so funny. I was incredibly moved by it and just instantly.”
Drawn to the character of Sam, Watson eagerly embraced the differences from her Potter role, and her commitment to Perks of Being a Wallflower extended to investing more time due to a demanding schedule.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is available on Netflix.
Source: Cheatsheet