The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for delivering some of the best superhero films, which has made its place in fans’ hearts over time. While the franchise has explored various emotions, such as anger, fear, jealousy, or love, there has been an evident absence of sensuality in its superhero films.
However, with Chloé Zhao‘s Eternals, fans finally got the chance to witness Marvel’s first-ever intimate scene. In the 2021 film, the lead protagonists Gemma Chan and Richard Madden, brought the significant scene into action which wasn’t previously shown in any Marvel film.
Chloé Zhao introduced a new dynamic to the Marvel Universe by including a s*x scene in her film
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for adhering to its superhero Mythology which encompasses various narratives of superheroes and supervillains. Anything new like the inclusion of an intimate scene is indeed surprising for the audience. However, filmmaker Chloe Zhao took one for the team and dared to include a s*x scene in his 2021 film Eternals.
The sex scene is filmed between the lead protagonist of the film Gemma Chan and Richard Madden. Though the scene is brief and tame, it has a major contribution to the franchise as it marks a major step in bringing new evolution to the MCU. During a conversation with Slash Film, Zhao explained why this intimate scene was crucial to the grand scope of Eternals. Zhao said,
“If you have seen the film you know the love between these two in a way defines the fate of humanity, of our planet. So I like to show them not just loving each other intellectually, emotionally, but also physically. And to show a sexual encounter in a compassionate, loving way, I think it’s a very positive thing to do.”
Zhao also shared that when she showed the final cut of the scene to the Marvel studios, everyone there appreciated it.
Gemma Chan and Richard Madden also reflected on their intimate scene in the Marvel film
Gemma Chan and Richard Madden are the first two actors of the Marvel franchise who have delivered the first intimate scene of the franchise. Before this, no other actor from the franchise had dared to perform an on-screen s*x scene in the Marvel film.
Since it was the first bona fide s*x scene in its 26-film oeuvre, the actors have to make sure that they give their best. During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Madden said that while filming the scene he and his co-star did their best to give an authentic shot. Madden said,
“I just saw [the sex scene] more in the storytelling of these two characters and having that intimate moment between them. So I didn’t really see it in the context of the MCU, the bigger picture or Disney, for that matter. I just thought about this film, these characters and that moment.”
Moreover, filming the scene became quite easy for Chan and Madden, since they had known each other for at least a decade.
Eternals can be streamed on Disney +.
Source: Slash Films, The Hollywood Reporter