The latest Ant-Man film was met with harsh criticism from the critics and fans of the MCU also voiced their disappointment. The movie that was supposed to set up the stage for the coming major events of phases five and six turned out to be a dud, and many blamed its writing. But the writer of the flick seems unfazed.
The writer of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Jeff Loveness discussed his thoughts on MODOK in an interview with Vital Thrills. Although he maintained his position on the MCU’s treatment of the antagonist. Loveness has said that he is uninterested in hearing what fans have to say about MODOK.
Jeff Loveness refuses to give in to fans’ demands
MODOK was changed for his MCU version to become Corey Stoll’s Darren Cross, who had survived his disastrous loss in the first Ant-Man movie from 2015. He made it into the Quantum Realm and was saved by Kang the Conqueror. MODOK fans have expressed their discontent with the way his narrative was handled in the adaptation as well as the visual effects that were used to create his screen appearance.
When asked if Corey Stoll’s villain may make an appearance as an Avenger, Loveness vowed that if he did, he would be even more dim-witted. According to the author of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, he won’t pay attention to the supporters’ demands for a more somber portrayal of the giant-headed character.
“Uh… if I say yes, I promise you he will be even stupider. I refuse to listen to the fans on this. I will not make MODOK serious. As long as I’m alive, they’re not gonna get that serious adaptation that those four fans want. He’ll be a big dumbhead. That’s all.”
It seems that MODOK fans will have to continue rallying for a better story and visual representation of MODOK until Loveness finally gives in. It however is far-fetched to believe that Loveness will change the character according to the whims of MODOK fans.
Jeff Loveness does not regret what he has done with MODOK
Speaking with Slashfilms the writer clarified that it was not his idea to transform Darren Cross into MODOK, Peyton Reed was behind it. After being exposed to the idea, Loveness could not resist jumping on the idea and working with it. He said,
“believe it was Peyton Reed’s idea to make Darren Cross into MODOK, but I immediately jumped on that and pitched real hard on it. I think we kind of built that character together. Let me just say, the people who are divided, they’re wrong.”
Jeff Loveness continued,
“I will go to the mat for MODOK. I am so happy. And it was such a fight. And it was such a labor of love and passion and all that, just to get the comedy balance of this guy. And hey, I’m a big comics guy, I’m sure you are, too.”
The writer speaks about MODOK and Avengers with childlike enthusiasm and energy. It is refreshing to see someone so passionate about the franchise and helm some of the biggest films in the new phase of the MCU.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is playing in theatres near you.
Source: VitalThrills