Everything Everywhere All At Once star Ke Huy Quan has been nothing short of incredible in his comeback film. The actor who had removed himself from the public arena after his widely acclaimed performances in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and The Goonies had gone into a 35-year-long hibernation that was broken with the 2022 sci-fi adventure film, Everything Everywhere All At Once. Now, it seems that Huy Quan has a message for the fans who have rallied in his support after his comedic yet moving performance in the film.
Ke Huy Quan Reacts to His Fan-Praised Hollywood Comeback
The Taiwanese-American actor, Ke Huy Quan, has always remained in the collective consciousness even after his departure from acting and Hollywood after appearing in the critically acclaimed popular culture classic, The Goonies (1985). After what seems like an indefinite hiatus, the boyish actor returned to the screen again in what has been defined as an absurdist comedy-drama, Everything Everywhere All At Once to star beside Michelle Yeoh and deliver some of the most iconic lines that will be remembered, quoted, and immortalized for generations to come.
As fans rally to support the actor for his already acclaimed role, Ke Huy Quan looks like he hadn’t lost a touch of perfectionism as he solemnly blended into his role as Waymond Wang, the husband of Michelle Yeoh’s Evelyn Quan Wang. In response to the deluge of fan reactions, Ke Huy Quan claimed,
“To have this as my comeback movie and to get this recognition and warm embrace? I’ve cried so much reading the comments. How often does a man in his 50s get a chance like this? How often do actors get a second act?”
However, this second act is simply the beginning as the actor gears up for a role in the Marvel franchise in the upcoming multiversal season of madness and adventure in Loki Season 2.
Ke Huy Quan’s Marvel Prospects in Loki Season 2
At Disney’s 2022 D23 Expo, Marvel chief Kevin Feige announced the arrival of Huy Quan in the new season of Loki as an important character. Although not much has been disclosed about his role yet, it has been widely stated that the actor might be joining the star-studded cast as a TVA employee. This also puts him right beside Owen Wilson’s Mobius who is currently a part of an altered reality after Sylvie Laufeydottir managed to kill He Who Remains at the Citadel at the End of Time.
Loki Season 2 will explore Tom Hiddleston‘s titular anti-hero in the new reality as he scrambles to reorient the multiverse and prevent catastrophe. As Marvel has already set the precedent for Kang the Conqueror’s coming and the consequent Multiverse saga, it looks like the Jonathan Majors, who debuted in the MCU via Loki Season 1 may also have a major contributory role in what’s to come, perhaps even offer a segue into the broader and more expansive events of Phases Five and Six of the mainstream cinematic universe.
In the meantime, however, perhaps the multiversal collapse might give Loki and Sylvie a chance to reunite and profess how “in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”
Loki Season 2 will premiere on Disney+ in mid-2023.
Source: The New York Times