James Gunn is a well-known filmmaker, known best for his contribution to the superhero genre. The co-CEO of DCU has stunned audiences by making the popular Guardians of the Galaxy series in the MCU. Gunn’s creative genius and ability to blend action, humor, and heart have made the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise a beloved and integral part of the MCU. But who would have thought that Gunn’s introduction of infinity stones in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 was the precursor to the blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame?
James Gunn On Creating The Concept Of Infinity Stones In Just 90 Minutes
In the vast and intricate universe of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the Infinity Stones have played a pivotal role in directing the course of the entire franchise. These powerful artifacts, namely the Space Stone, Mind Stone, Reality Stone, Power Stone, Time Stone, and Soul Stone, held immense significance, as Thanos sought to collect them in his quest for ultimate power. During an interview with Chris Pratt, James Gunn was asked to name all the Infinity Stones, a question he cheekily smirked at, knowing he held the key to their backstory and made a shocking revelation that he came up with the concept of Infinity Stones in just 90 minutes.
“I wrote that scene in about an hour and a half, it just came up with what the Infinity Stones were… and everything’s [the entire MCU’s] based on that. They were like, ‘You know, we’re thinking about putting the Power Stone in’. I was like, ‘That’s cool. The Power Stone. The Collector has the Power Stone….’ And I just made up this bulls**t.”
James Gunn’s Idea Of Infinity Stones Became The Foundation For Avengers: Infinity War & Avengers: Endgame
The co-CEO of DCU revealed on his Twitter handle that the concept of Infinity Stones was not part of the MCU until he came up with the first draft of the Guardian of the Galaxy Vol.1, which eventually paved the path for the cinematic wonders like Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers; Endgame.
“I didn’t know much when I pitched. And I didn’t know what was going to happen in IW & Endgame (Infinity Stones weren’t even a part of the MCU until AFTER my first draft of Vol 1). But once I was writing I knew the arcs of all the major characters except Gamora, which changed.”
In a matter of 90 minutes, Gunn conjured the foundation of the MCU, which has been adored by fans. The Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was released in theaters on May 5, 2023. The film will mark the end of Gunn’s outer space superhero trilogy.
Source: Phase Zero; @JamesGunn