Steven Soderbergh is considered a prolific filmmaker known for his unique films primarily based on human conditions and their psychology. He blends non-linear storytelling with characters who deal with insecurities and challenges and later provides mind-bending plot twists and endings that shock audiences. He is also an experimental filmmaker who narrates his stories using unique visual styles or multiple points of view as seen in films like Contagion (2011), Side Effects (2013), Unsane (2018), and Kimi (2022). He has not yet dabbled in huge tentpole big-budget films like a superhero film. His attempt at a big-budget commercial film is the Ocean’s Trilogy (2001-2007) starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts.
The heist comedy trilogy is his biggest commercial success and his highest-budgeted movies. Soderbergh recently talked about the superhero genre and why he has not tried a hand at it.
Steven Soderbergh Laments Superhero Movies’ Lack of S*x and Nudity
In an interview with The Daily Beast, Steven Soderbergh was promoting his movie Kimi, a pandemic psychological thriller starring Zoe Kravitz. He talked about the inspirations behind the movie, working with Kravitz, and how theatres were starting to open up after the pandemic. Superhero movies helped revive theatres and so Soderbergh was asked why he had never tried his hand at the genre. He gave a very genuine reply about how he wouldn’t know how to approach one and is not something that he is fascinated with. He said,
“Not really, and I’m not a snob; it’s not that I feel it’s some lower tier in any way. It really becomes about what universe you occupy as a storyteller. I’m just too earthbound to really release myself to a universe in which Newtonian physics don’t exist. Also, for a lot of these, for me to understand the world and how to write or supervise the writing of the story and the characters—apart from the fact that I can bend time and defy gravity and shoot beams out of my fingers—there’s no f**king. Nobody’s f**king! Like, I don’t know how to tell people how to behave in a world in which that is not a thing. If people want to go experience that universe, that’s fine. As a filmmaker, I just don’t know where to start”
Soderbergh’s comments do not signal any hatred or insult to the superhero genre. He gave a sensible and understandable reply on why he does not necessarily connect to the genre while giving full props to people who celebrates these films. Even his friend and frequent collaborator Matt Damon has appeared in the MCU through the Thor films.
Fans Should Thank Steven Soderbergh For Giving The Russo Bros to Marvel
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Steven Soderbergh further explained why he was not into the comic book genre. The simple explanation was that he had no affinity with the comics as a kid and hence had no passion and enthusiasm for making them into feature films. But it seems Soderbergh had a big role to play when the Russo Brothers were trying to enter the MCU. He said,
“The Russos are friends of mine. Who knew when I first met them that this was what they loved to do and had a real feeling for? I didn’t know this until they called me and said, “We’re up for this Captain America movie [Captain America: The Winter Soldier]. Will you call Kevin Feige and say nice things about us?” And I said, “Yes, if you will answer me this one question: Is this something you’re dying to do or is it something someone told you you ought to be doing?” And they said, “Oh no, we have this massive comic book collection. This is our dream job.” And I said, “Oh, then of course I will.” And it turns out they weren’t kidding. I’m happy for them. That shit’s hard. I couldn’t do it”
The entry of the Russo Brothers changed the game for the MCU as they would go on to make some of the best entries in the franchise including Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019). Fans can thank Soderbergh for putting in a good word for the duo, even though he did not necessarily connect with their passions and desires.
Recent and Upcoming Works of Steven Soderbergh
Steven Soderbergh recently directed Kimi starring Zoe Kravitz which was released on Max on February 10, 2022. He also directed the third and final film of the Magic Mike trilogy called Magic Mike’s Last Dance in 2023 which received mixed reviews and grossed $57 million at the box office.
He also directed a six-episode miniseries for Max called Full Circle starring Zazie Beetz, Claire Danes, Jharrel Jerome, and Timothy Olyphant. It was released on July 13, 2023. He is currently working on another miniseries based on the life of Ottoman physician Emin Pasha.
Source: The Daily Beast