In Jungle Cruise, Dwayne Johnson took on the character of Frank Wolff, an intrepid riverboat guide leading a scientist and her brother on a captivating Amazon expedition in pursuit of a mystical tree. Johnson infuses his performance with his iconic charm and wit, forging a delightful camaraderie with co-stars Emily Blunt and Jack Whitehall.
This whimsical and exhilarating escapade promises a joyful cinematic experience that captivates viewers young and old. With Johnson at the helm, Jungle Cruise sailed into uncharted territory, offering a thrilling and light-hearted adventure that left a lasting impression. The actors later also joked about their kissing scene in the film.
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Emily Blunt Complimented Dwayne Johnson’s Fresh Breath
While being interviewed by Access Hollywood, Blunt delved deeper into the memorable on-screen kiss, divulging that it was accompanied by fits of laughter and a touch of liquor.
“We did laugh always. I had to get drunk for it,” she said. “Wow! I had to get high for it. How about that?” Johnson responded.
While discussing the on-screen kiss with Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt graciously acknowledged his refreshing breath, implying a positive aspect to the intimate scene.
“Listen, the thing you’re missing out on, you know that feeling you get right after you brush your teeth? And it kind of feels fresh and it’s really nice? That’s not what you’re going to get,” Blunt revealed.
While Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt maintained a professional approach during the on-screen kiss, fans may be curious about the perspective of John Krasinski, Blunt’s husband.
How John Krasinski Reacted To Dwayne Johnson Kissing His Wife
Considering John Krasinski’s close friendship with Dwayne Johnson, it likely provided some comfort and ease in navigating the situation. Nonetheless, during the interview, Emily Blunt was inquired about her husband’s response to the scene, and as anticipated, John understood and acknowledged the nature of the entertainment industry.
“He’s immune to it at this point. That was part of the deal when we got married! Honestly, John is so used to me having to make out with other men,” she said.
John Krasinski’s bond with The Rock extends beyond friendship, affording him a remarkable chance to train side by side with Johnson in the exclusive confines of his renowned Iron Paradise gym—a privilege bestowed upon only a chosen few. During his joint interview with Ellen, Krasinski vividly recounted the experience, offering a glimpse into the unparalleled atmosphere and energy of the training sessions.
“I walked in, and it was like alien spaceships had landed,” Krasinski told Ellen. “He has 40 pieces of equipment that I’ve never seen in my life.”
Jungle Cruise is available for streaming on Disney+.
Source: The Things