Dwayne Johnson started physical training at a very young age under his father and wrestler, Rocky Johnson. The actor has shared that he accompanied his father to the gym and had his first weight workout at the age of 13. It would later come in handy to him, as he would go on to become a sports star. Before entering the WWE ring, he had a football career. He then made his way to Hollywood and is currently among the highest-paid and biggest actors in the industry.
However, making his way from being a football player to one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and multiple injuries and surgeries have added to his struggle over the years.
Dwayne Johnson Has Suffered Multiple Injuries
Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson has been quite open about his experiences in the industry. He is known for sharing it all with his fans, whether it’s an update about an upcoming project or his mental health. And the Black Adam star opened up about the major injuries he has suffered over the years as a wrestler and actor.
During an interview with Men’s Journals, he shared that he’s “still overcoming mental adversity, to be honest.” Johnson said that he sustained numerous injuries over the years, and sometimes it’s hard to overcome them. He further shared is lucky to have “never been injured in the gym.”
The Rock shared that he has been “brought up to train hard and train smart,” which has helped him to avoid such major injuries in the gym. However, it did not work out for him in the ring as he competed against other wrestlers.
Dwayne Johnson Found Greatness Despite His Injuries
Dwayne Johnson suffered a major injury during a match against John Cena at WrestleMania 29. Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor later revealed that he decided against the surgery until he went to see a doctor two days later.
Seeing his condition at the time, the doctor recommended him to go through the surgery process. During his interview with Men’s Journal, Johnson stated, “I had to be sewn back together,” as he shared that he has suffered five knee injuries and a “torn Achilles.”
“The top of my quad was torn from my pelvis,” he added. However, it did not stop him from moving forward. He said that although it gets hard sometimes, he decided not to give up and push himself to overcome the fatigue caused by such things, which would lead a person toward finding greatness.
Source: Men’s Journal