The feud between Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel following their collaboration in The Fast and the Furious films is legendary and well-documented. The two stars who initially bonded over the 5th installment of the franchise in which The Rock played the antagonist, ended up sharing a hostile relationship owing to creative differences and other reasons.
Their disputes led to Dwayne Johnson refusing to be a part of the franchise for future films. The star even called out Vin Diesel for emotionally blackmailing him after the Groot actor issued the famous public statement requesting the Black Adam star to reconsider his stance. It now seems that both actors have let bygones be bygones with Johnson’s surprise cameo in Fast X. Johnson though was still non-committal about commenting on his relationship with Vin Diesel despite being cornered in an interview recently.
Dwayne Johnson Evaded The All Important Question About Vin Diesel
Dwayne Johnson recently appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen to speak candidly about his career, his films, and the experiences he had with his co-stars. The actor was immediately put on the spot by the interviewer and was asked to comment on a 2016 Instagram post in which he had minced no words in his takedown of his male colleagues. Johnson had said,
“My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em. My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken s*** to do anything about it anyway. Candy a****. “
When goaded by Cohen to confirm if he was also referring to Vin Diesel as part of the list, the Jumanji 2 star cleverly evaded the question by saying
“I gotta plead the fifth on that one,”
The actor continued his non-committal response and refused to discuss details of his working relationship with Diesel when asked about the most unprofessional behavior that the Guardians of the Galaxy star had exhibited on set.
Dwayne Johnson Had An Intense Rivalry With John Cena
Dwayne Johnson’s competitive spirit has resulted in the actor creating famous rivalries with many of his counterparts. Apart from his public feud with Vin Diesel, Johnson has also shared a rivalry with his WWE colleague and fellow actor John Cena. Both stars who gave the WWE its name and fame, were part of some intense duels that led to a real-life rivalry between them. Dwayne Johnson revealed the inside details of his history with John Cena on The Late Show with Jimmy Kimmel and said,
“We had a great rivalry. In the world of wrestling, its fictionalized, its a show, but here’s the thing. Our rivalry was, it was so real. We had real problems with each other”.
Johnson also added that this intense competition between the two stars developed later into mutual respect and admiration for each other and their work. The Rock spoke fondly of his colleague Cena saying that they were now the best of friends and that he was always rooting for him to win.
Source: The Things