Millie Bobby Brown, famously known for playing the role of Eleven in the superhit Netflix show Stranger Things is all grown up now, compared to when she started to perform on the show. She has had major success after working with the streaming giant for almost a decade now, featuring in many superhit films like Godzilla and subsequent films from the Monsterverse to Netflix’s very own Enola Holmes series. With all these projects that she has delved into, she has gotten a chance to meet new people in the industry.
But when it comes to the first-time memories, she has been making them during her time on Stranger Things, some of which she regularly uses to tease her fellow co-stars.
During the Vanity Fair Lie Detector series, Millie Bobby Brown revealed that when she was shooting for the kissing scene between Mike and Eleven, she felt that Finn Wolfhard was a lousy kisser as the kiss felt weird.
Millie Bobby Brown Makes Fun Of Finn Wolfhard’s Kissing Skills
Millie Bobby Brown has been alongside Finn Wolfhard ever since both of their starts in the industry. They have been through the events from season 1 of Stranger Things and have been going strong till the latest season of the show. But coming back to the first season, there was a particular moment where Mike kisses Eleven to tell her how much he loved her so much. This scene was the first ever kissing scene that Brown had done, and she had a lot of things to say about it, including Wolfhard’s skills at smooching.
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In the Vanity Lie Detector interview, the interrogator asked the Enola Holmes star a question, which was “You exclaimed, ‘Kissing sucks!’ after your first kiss with Finn Wolfhard. Is Finn just a lousy kisser?” To which, she replied with an honest yes. she revealed that she and Wolfhard kissed each other in the last episode of the first season, and she felt that his kissing skills were lacking, although she also admitted that this was her first time, so she had no idea what to expect. She said:
“At the end of the day, it’s only acting, and it’s something you have to do, and I would do anything for the show. I cut my hair, I kissed Finn. It was definitely strange. It was, like, my first kiss, so it was kind of weird. But then, like, when I’d done it, I thought, ‘Wow. It makes sense for the storyline.’”
Brown had also revealed that as time went by, Wolfhard’s skills had improved a little bit, although, he still couldn’t do it with her.
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What Is Next For Stranger Things?
It’s been a long journey for the whole cast of Stranger Things from season 1, and now, we will finally get to witness the epic conclusion in the upcoming season 5. With the events of season 4 leaving the fate of Hawkins in the balance with the cliffhanger, it will be up to the team to deal with the Upside Down once and for all. Along the way, we would also get to witness the developments that happen with Eleven and Mike, which will decide the fate of their relationship as well.
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Stranger Things, streaming exclusively on Netflix
Source: Geo TV