Australian actor Hugh Jackman gained widespread recognition for his role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series. After playing the character for almost two decades, the actor announced his retirement from the role. After his last appearance as Wolverine in the 2017 film, Logan, Jackman put a hiatus on portraying the character. Perhaps his destiny had some different plans for his career, as a few years later, the actor once again announced his return as Wolverine. The actor will mark his return in the upcoming MCU film Deadpool 3 alongside Ryan Reyolds.
When the news about Jackman’s return as Wolverine came out, fans were startled as his character met a definitive end. However, just like any other Logan fan, Jackman is also concerned about the Logan timeline. Hence, to assure that nothing could “screw with the Logan timeline,” he took a special promise from Ryan Reynolds.
Hugh Jackman makes sure his return as Wolverine doesn’t affect the Logan timeline
Hugh Jackman is popularly known for portraying the role of Wolverine. The actor portrayed the role in nine movies, starting with the 2000 film X-Men and concluding with the 2017 film Logan. After seeing Jackman play Wolverine for almost two decades, it’s indeed hard to imagine anyone playing that character. However, when the actor announced his retirement from the portrayal of Wolverine, the news came as a shock, but what was even more shocking was his return.
Jackman’s last appearance as Wolverine was in the 2017 film, Logan. The film marked the end of the character, and when the news about Jackman’s return as Wolverine was announced, it came as a big surprise. The panic among the audience is because since Wolverine has met his end, how can he return, and his return might disturb the entire Logan timeline?
However, Jackman won’t let that happen, and he has already made sure that nothing screws with the Logan timeline. Before being a part of the MCU film, Jackman took assurance from the director of Deadpool 3, Ryan Reynold, that his return as Wolverine wouldn’t affect his previous X-Men films. The actor explained,
“It’s all because of this device they have in the Marvel world of moving around timelines. Now we can go back because, you know, it’s science. So, I don’t have to screw with the ‘Logan’ timeline, which was important to me. And I think probably to the fans too.”
Previously, Reynolds also assured that Wolverine’s return wouldn’t affect the Logan timeline. The Deadpool actor claimed that Logan takes place in 2029, and it’s a completely different thing.
So all the Logan fans can take a sigh of relief.
What made Hugh Jackman quit the role of Wolverine?
After appearing as Wolverine in the 2017 film Logan, Hugh Jackman hung up the claws. With his character of Wolverine, the actor earned immense popularity, yet he decided to move on from it. Previously, during an interview, the actor revealed the reason behind his decision to back off from playing Wolverine. The character of Wolverine demanded a lot of toil, and indeed, it wasn’t a piece of cake for Jackman. Perhaps that’s why he felt that he should take a break. The actor said,
“I knew it was the right time to leave the party—not just for me, but for the character. It’s kind of like, you’re on your way home and your friend rings you and goes, ‘Oh, dude, a new DJ just came on and the music is awesome, are you going to come back?’ And you say, ‘Sounds good but… no.'”
However, later, he regretted his decision to quit the role of Wolverine and soon announced his return. The actor also mentioned that Reynolds made a major contribution to his return, as the actor constantly pushed him to return as Wolverine.
Source: NME