Mark Wahlberg’s past is marred by a troubled history, marked by regrettable actions and problematic behavior. The actor, renowned for his role in The Fighter, faced scrutiny due to his involvement in a series of hate crimes during his youth. In an attempt to leave his criminal record behind, Wahlberg made efforts to erase his past, but the outcome was far from favorable.
As reported by The Independent, back in 1986, Mark Wahlberg, then 15 years old, and a group of friends faced charges for engaging in a disturbing incident. They pursued and hurled rocks at a group of African-American children, accompanied by racially derogatory slurs, until their assault was halted by an ambulance driver who intervened.
Mark Wahlberg Has A History Of Hate Crimes
According to The Independent, in 1988, Mark Wahlberg was involved in yet another disturbing incident characterized as a hate crime. Reportedly under the influence of PCP, the actor attacked two Vietnamese men. One of the victims, Thanh Lam, was subjected to racially charged language and severe beating with a wooden stick, rendering him unconscious.
Later that same day, Wahlberg assaulted Johnny Trinh, punching his eye and employing racial slurs. Initially charged with attempted murder, Wahlberg ultimately pleaded guilty to felony assault. While he received a two-year prison sentence, he served only 45 days. Years later, Wahlberg sought a pardon for this crime, indicating his desire to address and rectify his past actions.
Over time, Mark Wahlberg’s criminal past faded from public consciousness as he established himself as a prominent actor. However, this dynamic shifted when he pursued a pardon for his offenses. In 2014, Wahlberg formally requested the state of Massachusetts, seeking pardon for the hate crimes he committed in 1988. This move sparked renewed attention and discussion surrounding his troubled history. The request for a pardon, as reported by CNN, rekindled public scrutiny and prompted reflections on the lasting impact of Wahlberg’s actions and the complexities of redemption and forgiveness.
Mark Wahlberg’s Pardon Didn’t Go As Planned
Following Mark Wahlberg’s request for a pardon concerning his 1988 crimes, his entire past resurfaced, bringing forth a wave of consequences. As reported by CBS, the actor faced substantial backlash from Asian-American activist groups and the victims themselves in response to his pardon appeal. This incident triggered a significant shift in perception, as Wahlberg found himself at the center of intense scrutiny. In the years since his request, it appears that The Fighter actor has transformed, displaying signs of a change of heart.
“I didn’t need that. I spent 28 years righting the wrong. I didn’t need a piece of paper to acknowledge it. I was kind of pushed into doing it. I certainly didn’t need to or want to relive that stuff over again,” Wahlberg said.
Nevertheless, the actor found solace in his pardon request allowing him to personally meet with the victims and extend a formal apology, despite the sentiment that this reconciliation should have transpired earlier.
Source: Nicki Swift