On September 1, 2019, a fateful car accident significantly impacted actor Kevin Hart’s life. In the company of two other passengers, Hart found himself in a distressing situation as the 1970 Plymouth Barracuda they were traveling in veered off the road, descending down an embankment. The aftermath of the crash led to Hart being airlifted to a Los Angeles hospital, where he underwent treatment for severe back injuries.
After several months, Kevin Hart decided to share a deeply personal revelation regarding the incident, admitting that he had deliberately downplayed the intensity of his pain during his recovery. The reason behind his deception was his fear that medical professionals would discourage him from attempting to regain his ability to walk.
Kevin Hart Had A Tough Time Recovering From The Accident
According to TMZ’s report, Kevin Hart emerged from the accident with three spinal fractures that necessitated surgical intervention. Following the procedure, he spent a duration of 10 days in the hospital before transitioning to a rehabilitation facility, as reported by Entertainment Weekly. In an episode of his show Laugh Out Loud in 2019, Kevin Hart contemplated his life after the accident, revealing his immense challenges in carrying out even the simplest of tasks.
“I could not fu*king move. I could not wipe my a*s…I literally couldn’t do any of that. it makes you realize… you really are helpless. There was nothing I could do,” he said.
During a December interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Kevin Hart shared a profound realization about the impact of his back surgery. He expressed,
“You don’t realize that your back is connected to everything. So coming out of back surgery, everything changed… That’s when you get to see what really matters, who really matters. Life kind of hits you in a completely different way.”
Kevin Hart Downplayed His Pain While Recovering
During an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Kevin Hart made a candid admission, acknowledging that he had intentionally downplayed the extent of his pain during the healing process from his injuries.
“I lied in the hospital because I didn’t want them to know that I was having pain because I thought that they were gonna stop me from letting me continue to try my walks,” he shared. “I was masking it… because I didn’t want to stop trying.”
Kevin Hart disclosed that he began utilizing a walker approximately seven days into his hospital stay, putting on a facade of mobility by feigning the use of his feet when, truthfully, he was merely “dragging” them along. It took two and a half weeks before Kevin Hart could finally move without the aid of a walker. During this challenging period, he leaned heavily on his family for assistance and unwavering support.
Source: Cheatsheet