Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Jr. have starred in the MCU since the first Iron Man movie. The 2008 movie introduced the duo as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, and the two finally got together in the 2010 sequel as they shared a kiss on the rooftop following the final battle. While fans adored the on-screen couple, things were not quite the same off-camera. The co-stars have remained good friends as they worked in several movies together.
But both of them have claimed to have a brother-sister-like relationship. After the Pepper Potts actress said that kissing Downey Jr. felt like kissing her brother, the Iron Man star also stated that he loves his Marvel co-star like a sister.
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Robert Downey Jr. Adores Gwyneth Paltrow Like a Sister
Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow kickstarted the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the first film of the franchise Iron Man. Working together for over a decade, they have also become very good friends like the rest of the MCU cast.
However, both of them have made it clear that they were nothing but good friends and have opened up about how their kissing scenes were some of the most awkward moments for them. Paltrow has even stated that kissing Downey Jr. felt like “kissing [her] brother.”
The Dolittle actor also stated something similar as he sat down to answer WIRED’s ‘The Web’s Most Searched Questions‘ with Oppenheimer director Christopher Nolan. When asked if he likes the Shallow Hal actress, he said that he doesn’t just like her but also adores her like a sister.
“I do not like Gwyneth Paltrow. I absolutely adore her like a sister,” he said before adding, “Like a sister that you may’ve made out with a few times..while still liking her.” The actor had Nolan in laughs as he candidly shared his thoughts during the interview.
Gwyneth Paltrow Also Felt Weird Kissing the Iron Man Star
During an episode of The Goop Podcast, Gwyneth Paltrow also shared that kissing her Iron Man co-star Robert Downey Jr. was weird for her. They did an amazing job portraying their characters, and fans even call the duo one of the most iconic pair of the MCU.
However, the actress has claimed that it was awkward for them to film the kissing scenes. “With Robert when I kissed him, and I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. This is literally like kissing my brother,” the Goop founder said on her podcast. Prior to the WIRED interview, Downey Jr. also shared that their first on-screen kiss did not feel good. However, despite everything, they have continued to be good friends.
Source: WIRED