The upcoming film, Thor: Love and Thunder, has got everyone excited. Marvel, meanwhile, has been stingy with sharing content about the film. The teaser, which dropped on the 18th of April 2022, created a lot of buzz. It gave us many insights into the upcoming film. It would also introduce the Greek God, Zeus, to the MCU (played by Russell Crowe). Gorr is the villain in the film and is played by Christian Bale.
The trailer introduced all the main characters of the film, barring the villain. This secrecy around him is quite interesting. We take a closer look at the Villain in Thor: Love and Thunder and discuss details about him. What do you think of the villain in Thor 4? Share your opinion in the comments section below.
Check Out The Teaser of Thor: Love and Thunder.
Who Would be The Villain in Thor: Love and Thunder?
Gorr, The God Butcher is going to be the villain in Thor 4. He would be played by Christian Bale. Thor 4 would also mark the villain’s live-action debut. But who is he? We take a closer look at him.
Related: Thor 4: Zeus Thunderbolt Has Secret Mjolnir Connection
Who is Gorr the God Butcher?
Gorr has a fascinating backstory. It is said that he was raised on a nameless planet. As a child, he lost both his parents. Later, he lost his wife and children too. This deep grief caused a lot of anguish in him toward the Gods. When he comes in contact with All-Black, his hatred turns into a mission to butcher all Gods. Gorr has a lot of powers and the sword of darkness.
How Many Gods Has Gorr Killed?
In the comics, Gorr killed all the Gods, barring a few. He created the Gobbomb, which, when detonated, would kill all divine beings. All at once. This makes him one of the evilest villains out there.
Related: Thor 4 Trailer Welcomes Jane Foster Thor To MCU
When Is Thor: Love and Thunder Releasing?
Thor: Love and Thunder releases on the 8th of July 2022.