Hollywood actress Elizabeth Olsen has starred in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron. Introduced as HYDRA’s weapons in the second Avengers movie, Wanda and Pietro join hands with Ultron as they seek revenge on Tony Stark. However, after learning his true intentions, the twins fight against them, and only Wanda survives the battle. The character continued appearing in the MCU and took a villainess arc by the events of the 2022 film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
While it is claimed that it was her last appearance in the cinematic universe, it is also believed that the Scarlet Witch would return in future projects. And it appears as if the actress is also eager to return to the MCU, as she hopes to get some redemption for Scarlet Witch.
Elizabeth Olsen Seeks Redemption For Scarlet Witch
Followed by the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, fans have been curious if Elizabeth Olsen would return to the MCU or not. While nothing is confirmed yet, it is assumed that the actress could reprise her Marvel role in the upcoming Disney+ series, Agatha: Coven of Chaos.
The WandaVision star opened up about returning to the cinematic universe while promoting her 2023 crime drama Love & Death. She shared that the studio could do anything with her character now, as there is still so much to explore about the character.
“Now, we can really have fun; I feel like there’s a lot more humor to be had with her,” she shared. Olsen also shared that Wanda is “often the emotion of a story,” and she wants to explore more ways in which the character could be utilized in the future. And in order to make it all possible, the Oldboy actress hopes for “redemption” for her character.
“And hopefully [we can] give her some redemption,” she said. Olsen has earlier said that he thinks she would be back in the MCU, saying, “I think I’ll be back.” It has served as a breather for fans who were not satisfied with her arc in Doctor Strange 2.
Elizabeth Olsen is Optimistic About Her Return to the MCU
Questions about her return to the MCU have been one of the many queries Elizabeth Olsen has been asked during some of her recent interviews. And the actress believes that her words are twisted every time she answers them.
During her appearance on the TODAY show, she was asked the same question again, to which she answered very cautiously. Olsen said that although she hopes to reprise her character, she’s not aware of such plans so far. “I hope so, but I have no idea,” she said. The Wind River actress also stated that there is no contract for her future MCU appearances so far, so she cannot say much about her return.
Agatha: Coven of Chaos is expected to release this year on Disney+.
Source: SXSW