The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) is a popular media franchise that originated in the mid-1980s as a comic book series. Created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, the series follows the adventures of four anthropomorphic turtles named after Renaissance artists (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael) trained in ninjutsu by their anthropomorphic rat sensei, Splinter. The turtles live in the sewers of New York City and fight against various villains, including their arch-nemesis, the Shredder.
While the TMNT franchise has become a beloved cultural icon, many people are unaware of its origins in black culture. Various sources influenced Eastman and Laird, including comic books, movies, and Japanese culture. However, one of their biggest inspirations was the comics of the 1980s, which often featured violent and gritty stories unsuitable for children.
Human Forms Of TMNT Reveal Their Origin
The black and Puerto Rican communities inspired Eastman and Laird in New York City, where they lived at the time. Now, a comic crossover between TMNT and Boom Studios Power Rangers has revealed the human forms of the Ninja Turtles.
Only Mickey and Donnie’s origins were revealed earlier, but now Leo and Raph’s origins have also been revealed. And unsurprisingly, all of them are black teens.
The idea of a crossover between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Power Rangers has been a topic of interest for fans of both franchises for many years. While there have been a few comic book crossovers between the two properties, a live-action movie featuring both teams has yet to materialize.
A Fan Favorite Crossover For Ages
In the 2018 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series by BOOM! Studios, the Power Rangers teamed up with the Ninja Turtles to stop the evil Lord Drakkon from conquering both of their universes. This crossover was well-received by fans and critics alike, and it showcased the potential for a full-fledged crossover event.
In 2019, it was announced that a new comic book miniseries titled Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would be released by BOOM! Studios. The series, written by Ryan Parrott and illustrated by Simone di Meo, saw the Power Rangers and the Ninja Turtles team up to face a new threat that threatens both worlds. The miniseries was praised for its action-packed storyline, dynamic artwork, and faithful representation of both franchises.
While no official plans have been announced for a live-action crossover between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Power Rangers, fans continue to speculate and hope for such an event. Both franchises have proven to have enduring popularity and a loyal fanbase, making a crossover between them a potentially lucrative and entertaining venture.
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