Tom Cruise is renowned for his captivating performances in action roles. From his iconic portrayal of Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible franchise to his intense performance in Top Gun, Cruise has consistently delivered high-octane thrills. His dedication to performing his own stunts adds an extra layer of authenticity to his action-packed performances. But not everyone might agree with that.
Is it time for the younger generation to take the reins? That’s the sentiment shared by Lee Child, the acclaimed author of the Jack Reacher series. In a 2019 interview, Child expressed his belief that Tom Cruise should consider retiring from action movies, asserting that he has reached an age where he may be deemed “too old” for such roles.
Should Tom Cruise Give Up Action Roles Altogether
During an interview with The Times, Lee Child revealed that Tom Cruise was hesitant to relinquish the role of Reacher. However, the author remained steadfast in his commitment to collaborating on a TV series featuring a different actor portraying Reacher. He further provided career guidance to Cruise, suggesting that he should explore diverse genres of film for his future endeavors.
“It sounds extremely patronizing, but I think it’s good for him,” Child said about Tom Cruise. “He’s too old for this stuff. He’s 57; he needs to move on, and transition to being a character actor. He could get another 20 years out of it. He has the talent. He’s a terrific guy, very considerate, good fun.”
Well, it’s hard to imagine Tom Cruise not performing his own stunts. From hanging off the side of a plane to scaling tall buildings, Cruise’s dedication to authenticity and pushing the boundaries of action filmmaking has inspired many actors.
Jack Reacher Fans Weren’t Pleased With Tom Cruise’ Casting
Child is the mastermind behind the highly acclaimed series of crime thrillers centered around Jack Reacher, a former military police officer. With 24 books and a devoted fan base known as Reacher Creatures, Child’s novels have captivated readers since their debut in 1997. However, when news broke that Tom Cruise had been cast as Reacher in the film adaptation of One Shot, many dedicated readers expressed their discontent.
Despite being one of the most renowned actors globally, Tom Cruise faced significant criticism for his casting as Reacher. Fans argued that Cruise did not fit the character’s physical description, as Reacher is described as a towering figure standing at 6 feet, 5 inches tall, and weighing around 220 pounds, while Cruise stands at 5 feet, 7 inches. This marked disparity in height became a prominent point of contention among fans.
“I’ve got tens of thousands of letters saying they didn’t like Cruise because he’s too small, basically,” Child told the Guardian in 2018. “Part of Reacher’s appeal is that he’s very intimidating. Even without doing anything, if he walks into a room, people are a little bit uneasy. It was felt that, for all his virtues, Cruise didn’t represent that. So the readers were cross from the beginning.”
Jack Reacher is available for rent or purchase on Google Play and Amazon Instant Video.
Source: Cheatsheet