The Flash was an original DC series that debuted in October of 2014. At the helm of the project was the face of Grant Gustin carrying the series on his shoulders by playing the thunderstruck hero Barry Allen aka the Flash. Now, after 8 seasons, the show will be ending in the year 2023 with its 9th season and the fans can’t help but compare DC’s Grant Gustin to Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman.
Grant Gustin is the Andrew Garfield of DC
The Flash debuted to much love and adoration from the fans back in 2014. The character of Barry Allen wasn’t introduced in mainstream DC movies at that point and this allowed for the character to grow properly. It was Grant Gustin who was cast as Barry Allen who created the image of Flash as we know it today.
Based on your interests: 6 Reasons Grant Gustin Will Always Be The Better Flash
But after years, the series degraded in quality due to poor writing/story in the later seasons. The actor started receiving much hate for his portrayal of the Flash as the fans didn’t know what changed suddenly in their beloved series (much like season 8 of Game of Thrones). And thus, the franchise decided to end its run with the release of its 9th season in the year 2023.
Grant Gustin received hate due to poor writing of the series
Although he was not the writer, the actor did have to act out the scenes and for which, he received much hate. Much like Andrew Garfield, the actor was hated for the poor storyline while completely ignoring the great acting skills shown or the emotions created.
Also read: The Flash: Candice Patton Reveals The CW & Warner Bros Did Nothing Amidst Racist Issues
The above post is a thread wherein the Twitter user explains the similarities between Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman and Grant Gustin’s Flash. Although Andrew Garfield redeemed himself by appearing in Spiderman: No Way Home (2022), it will be some time before Grant Gustin is redeemed for the series.
The Flash’s previous seasons are currently streaming on Netflix with Season 9 expected to release in the early quarters of 2023 on The CW.
Source: Twitter
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