Zachary Levi gained immense stardom after starring in projects like Chuck and Shazam. The actor has worked with some of the biggest franchises like Marvel and DC. It looks like the actor is not only an on-screen superhero but also in real life. In his interviews, the actor has revealed how he battled with his mental health issues.
It is not new for Hollywood stars to discuss and address the issues related to mental health. Presently, it’s one of the primary problems faced by many. Zachary Levi who was recently seen in Shazam! Fury of the Gods shared how important it is for people to work on their mental health and how it also affected his life.
Zachary Levi explains the detrimental effects of anxiety and depression
When the 42-year-old actor spoke with CBS News, Levi stated how mental health issues can have some devastating effects. According to him, most criminal minds originate from a person who is broken from within.
“It’s the most important thing, I think. Ultimately, I think, mental health is the most important thing we all need to be talking about. I know that might sound weird, given all of the crazy things that are going on in the world right now. But I’m a firm believer that all of those things are all symptoms.”
Further when the interviewer asked how he would feel when his fans will come to know about his struggles with these issues. Zachary Levi stated that mental struggles should be normalized among all and should be given medical attention irrespective of how the person’s life is. It is normal for people suffering from these issues to think that they are alone which is not.
Lisa Petrillo: Kids and young adults can look at you and say what do you mean, he’s at the top of his game, how can anything like that happen? I think knowing that someone like you can go through these issues is a gift for them
Zachary Levi: We all feel like we’re alone in our mental struggles. But that’s the initial insidious lie that that mental illness provides, which is you’re alone. Nobody else is dealing with this. You’re uniquely broken and no one will be able to help you. That’s a lie from the pit of hell.
The Thor: The Dark World actor also revealed to his fans how his mental health issues even pushed him to extreme limits when he even wanted to end his life. His comments showed that his personal experience made him closer to the issue than the others.
How did Zachary Levi develop suicidal tendencies?
Earlier also, the Tangled fame actively spoke about his mental health issues in a podcast with Elizabeth Vargas. He confessed that he didn’t realize his mental problems until he was 37. Zachary Levi went on to share how he was close to ending himself after having an intense mental breakdown after visiting Austin.
“I’m sitting in my truck, and vividly, I remember I was holding onto the wheel and I was just shaking back and forth, that like almost trying to shake myself out of what it was going on, and I’m just weeping. I’m just crying. I’m like, ‘God, help me.'”
While many people try to distract themselves using some other means like booze, drugs, or s*x, Levi also added that those are of no help and only work to a certain point. When loneliness hit him hard after coming to Texas, it was the therapy sessions that helped him to recover.
He also advised the same to his fans and urged them to reach out for professional help in these cases instead of ignoring the problems. Besides living a healthy lifestyle, Zachary Levi also gave a priceless piece of advice for his fans to practice self-love.
Check out Shazam! Fury of the Gods on Max.
Sources: CBS News / Heart of the Matter podcast