The Dark Knight is one of the most iconic movies of the comic book movies world. There were numerous Batman movies in the past, but Christian Bale brought a new gravity and seriousness to the role. Bale’s Dark Knight trilogy was popular among the fans and Bale was widely recognized for his acting skills. However, despite the grand success of the films, the villain character played by Heath Ledger became more popular than Bale.
Late actor Heath Ledger played the role of Joker in Christian Bale’s Batman movie, and his portrayal of the infamous clown left the viewers speechless.
Christian Bale felt his Batman character was dull in comparison to Heath Ledger
The American Psycho star opened up on working with the legendary actor Heath Ledger for the film The Dark Knight. He shared with GQ that he felt Ledger’s acting overshadowed his performance as Batman. Ledger played a combination of parts punk rocker, raging psychopath, and genuinely funny character. He portrayed the infamous Joker as a terrorist and did it so well that it felt real.
The quality of his performance was spectacular, which made Bale worry about his own performance. Bale recalled,
“I was thinking, ‘Are we in trouble here?’. When Chris and I first sat down, I said that the problem with Batman is that the villain is always more interesting, so let’s not let him feel dull by comparison. Then I said, ‘I’m feeling a little dull by comparison’ because Heath was just killing it”.
Bale added,
“What a performance, what a pleasure to be able to work with him. Just to see him and how much he put himself into The Joker. I was watching it going, ‘Yeah, this is absolutely fantastic”.
Ledger gave an equally spectacular performance to Christian Bale in the film. He also puts himself through physical pain for a scene. Before shooting the interrogation scene, Ledger asked Bale to hit him in reality. It is still considered one of the best scenes of the film, where they start fighting at the police station. Despite being hurt Ledger kept laughing through every single blow of Batman.
Ledger overdosed on medication for assistance in sleeping and passed away at 28. He died just before the movie was to be released. He was given a posthumous Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.
Christian Bale revealed his body transformation for The Dark Knight
Christian Bale is one of the few actors who completely commit themselves to a role. Bale had done body transformation several times in his career, to get the perfect look for his roles. Before taking up The Dark Knight, Bale lost weight for The Machinist. Hence he began binge eating and weightlifting with pizza and ice cream until he weighed around 84kg in six months.
He told The Huffington Post,
“I overdid it because I was enjoying gorging. I was ignoring advice about taking it slowly because my stomach had shrunk, and I should just go with soups… I was straight into pizza and ice cream and eating five meals in a sitting.”
Christian Bale played Batman in Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises.
The Dark Knight trilogy is available for streaming on Max.
Source- Far Out Magazine